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Howe: " we've been trying for so long... it feels like we should just give up..." feeling very down. Talking to Illustrious who scoffed at that notion than said " you've never been one to give up so easily why start now?" Putting her hand on Howe's to just give her reassurance or comfort (not anything else) and said " just keep your spirits high alright? Surly things will work out" seeing Howe sigh not really believing that.

Roon was dealing with the same problem. Talking to her friend Ulrich. " we've been trying so long... I even told her that Shrimpy can be our child but... Howe said that Shrimpy doesn't make her feel that way..." Roon explained, as she petting Shrimpy.

Ulrich looked at Shrimpy and said " I can understand why she doesn't feel that way" finding Shrimpy to be more of a cold blooded killing machine that probably has no heart... she could just imagine Howe trying to paint Shrimys claws or play ball with it...

" aww but Shrimpy is such a big lovable lug" Roon said, not seeing anything scary about him.

" in your eyes." Ulrich said, knowing that when she works with Roon in battle that Shrimpy is a monstrous beast that'll destroy anything in its way.

" oh what should I do?" Roon said, wanting Howe to feel better. Hoping her friend can aleve her problem.

" I wouldn't know, you don't have any sister ships so they can't be your family." Ulrich commented. Giving Roon an sinister idea. With that evil smirk look.

A few moments later...

" aww isn't she sooo cute? Well now she's ours~ our baby! Just like what you wanted~" Roon said, pinching Mutsuki's cheek. Who was crying. As she was kidnapped.

" wha-?! What do you think you're doing?!" Howe exclaimed. Seeing them all tied up at the table.

" well giving you a family!" Roon said, innocently. Thinking she had done nothing wrong. Like she hadn't committed a serious crime. But had done this all for Howe as Howe had expressed to her a deep desire for one. And they had been trying so hard too.

But they couldn't adopt Meowfficers since... the requirement is you need 2 ships. Which they met that requirement. But the other is... you know you have to be a fit you know ship... both physically and........... mentally......

Unfortunately Roon is not mentally stable given her history and was denied. So... Roon came up with the next big thing. Kidnapping!

" and here is our rebellious teen" Roon said, ruffling up Repulses hair.

" are you fucking bonkers mate?" Repulse said, spitting out that mouth piece.

Receiving a hard slap from Roon.

" Roon!" Howe exclaimed, shocked that she just did that.

" no child of ours should ever talk to us like that! Right?~" Roon said, reverting from threateningly sinister to happy.

" now let's all sit down and have a happy family dinner" Roon said, seating Howe who was playing along because she didn't want anyone to get hurt.

" could you pass the salt dear?" Howe asked, as Repulse was sitting next to it.

" oi you can shove it! You've gone mad just like her!" Repulse shouted, refusing to play along. In addition, her hands were tied so... I doubt she could hand it to her.

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