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This is a bonus chapter that I contemplated on doing, because a few days ago I got really lucky or felt very lucky (not money wise unfortunately, but lucky in my own way where it made me feel really happy.) and so, just because of that event you get this chapter. Even though I didn't really want to continue writing because I said it was done.

You know I don't think I ever wrote about how Wichita and Princeton got together in my story. Sure, they had a moment together when Wichita was taking off and Princeton was determined to get her back and stayed with her. But... I think we need something more.

So the story takes place here at an arcade like place. Like Dave and busters if you've ever been there, I have once when I was young. And I had an amazing time playing the claw machine. The small one :( I wish I got the big prizes from the big giant claw machine. But unfortunately I didn't.

Wichita decided to come here to have some fun. Hanging out with her friends, but of course while getting some grub. She saw her. Princeton.

She was gorgeous. Seeing her in the raving blue and red lights. She was playing the claw machine. In a nice, bending angle to calculate where the claw would drop in the machine.

Wichita smirked, seeing that fine ass. Nice body and wicked rack too- Wichita thought examining her assets ;). As she slyly made her way to the claw machine not knowing it'll be her soon to be boss. Leaning against it with her shoulder. To see Princeton now raise herself up, noticing her looking at her.

Princeton: " can I help you?" Seeing Wichita stand there with a confident smile and stare.

" maybe I can help you" Wichita said, smirking pointing to the claw machine Princeton is playing at.

" oh sure" Princeton said, in an unfriendly sarcastic tone. Not liking Wichita's attitude and initial come on.

Wichita: " heh, watch and learn" shooing Princeton to the side to position herself between her and machine.

" so whatdaya want?" Wichita asked, seeing Princeton cross her arms desperately wanting to say " not you" but instead said " why don't you win me that stuffed Manjuu?" Giving Wichita the hardest prize to win in that claw machine. It was really stuck in there, buried practically ungetable. Big and heavy too.

" wow you gotta make it the hardest one don't you?" Wichita said, crossing her arms. Seeing Princeton grin and shrug.

Wichita determined, went to the booth to exchange her money for play coins.

-you can just imagine multiple scenes where Wichita uses the claw and it doesn't work out-

picking up the toys and the claw not being strong enough drops it.

Princeton couldn't help but smile, covering her mouth. She found Wichita's attempts so hilarious and her reaction was the best.

Wichita's reaction was of course of frustration, but when she looked at Princeton she pretended to be calm and brush it off like it was nothing with a smile and attempt it again.

Wichita: " YES!" getting it after more than 30 attempts. Even though her friends told Wichita it ain't worth it and to give it up, but she didn't listen to them. Determined to get that stuffed toy manjuu for her.

Wichita: " for you" said, victorious, handing it to Princeton who smirked and said " what about that one?" pointing to another game. To win her a teddy bear.

" you gotta be kidding me..." Wichita said, thinking she isn't satisfied with that one?

Princeton hugged Wichita's arm and guided her over.

Wichita made a long sigh and say " how much?" handing over her money for play tickets.

Seeing her hard worked earning leave her hand, like it was leaving her soul. She could feel that break her heart like a loss she can't describe.

After a series of losses... and an almost empty wallet...

Wichita was ready to plead with a worker to paid them off with what she has left and hand them that giant stuffed teddy bear.

But again and again Wichita tried, finally she managed to get a ring toss on all 10 bottles.

" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!" Wichita said, jumping up and down than looked at Princeton to just see her smiling there. She clearly didn't have the same energetic expression about her winning.

" how's that?" Wichita said, handing her the giant stuffed teddy bear.

" mm.. how about lunch?" Princeton asked, pointing to the eatery in the arcade.

" hah hell yeah!" Wichita said, thinking this is the easy part.

That is until she realized Princeton liked to order the most expensive things on the menu.

" uh.. do you seriously need 4 trays of spicy buffalos wings? along with 3 big deluxe burgers and 5 different drink options?" Wichita said, looking at her hurt wallet. Unsure if she has enough to hold out.

Princeton struck her with that signature happy smile and said " yep!" making Wichita make a weak laugh and say " well ok!" buying it all for her.

Afterwards they went their separate ways. But not before Princeton gave a peak on the cheek to Wichita.

All of Wichita's friends saw that and complained. Thinking all that for that? totally not worth it.

" what a bitch" Minneapolis said, thinking Wichita spent all her time and money on her and this is what she gets. She had better use spending that money on someone else more easier to pick up if you know what I'm saying.

" nah, it was worth it" Wichita said, with a grin.

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