Not Cannot Part 2

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When the IronBlood fleet arrived, their had been an unexpected change of plans. Instead of Z46, Friedrich ger grobe took her place. Admiral Graf Spee was also switched out, where Ulrich von hutten took her place.

The reason being?

Friedrich: " your making a mistake." speaking to Bismarck in the war room.

Bismarck: " watch your mouth." not going to tolerate disobedience. Friedrich shook her head, very upset with Bismarck's choice. Believing they should've turned down the alliance.

Bismarck: " I have made my decision. Now let it be the end of it." refusing to hear anymore talk of it.

Friedrich: " it's foolish to send them there and you know it." not letting the conversation end.

" enough." Bismarck said, not wanting to hear it. Knowing they already had this whole discussing when Prinz Eugen was explaining it to them.

" you let your love blind you." Friedrich commented, knowing that Eugen voiced for the alliance and knew that they are close so that is why she agreed to it.

Tirpitz: " this alliance is very beneficial on both sides Friedrich. We can request aircraft carriers from them in exchange they can request heavy cruisers from us." thinking this temporary trade off works out for both sides. Knowing that for the IronBlood side the Sirens have been taking advantage of them for not having many aircraft carriers. This makes it easier for the Sirens to scout their territory as well as hit them from afar and get away with it with nothing more than a minor scratch. Since they don't have the best anti-air defense.

" we don't need to take unnecessary damage if it can be avoided. Haven't we lost enough ships?" Bismarck added. Seeing Friedrich shake her head.

Friedrich: " and how long do you think that'll last? what happens if one of our ship parishes while on their watch? or vice versa? do we blame the other? turn on each other? we do just fine by ourselves. We don't need another faction holding us back." denying Tirpitz's perspective. Stating her very valid concerns. " and have you forgotten? We're built like tanks. We're meant to take damage." Friedrich spoke, not seeing any need for the Sakura Empire's ships. Thinking they do fine on their own and don't need their help. If anything, the Sakura Empire needs their help tanking up front. Knowing that most of their ships cannot endure such damage that would be a minor scratch on the IronBlood fleet. That is why the Sakura Empire's fleet stays so close to the mainland because they don't have the armor to toughen it out.

" Enough! Friedrich if you are so against this, than I will request of you a month there in replacement of Z46. In one months time if you still feel the same way than we will break the alliance. Fair?"

Seeing Friedrich narrow her eyes, coldly to Bismarck.

Bismarck: " take Ulrich with you, have her replace Admiral Graf Spee" seeing Friedrich sigh. Knowing that Ulrich is her weakness because she see's her as her most beloved child.

" fine." Friedrich said, agreeing to it.

" dismissed." Bismarck said, as everyone left the war room expect for Tirpitz. Who did not agree with replacing Admiral Graf Spee with Ulrich.

" we need Ulrich here" Tirpitz voiced, thinking Bismarck made a mistake. As they were down a lot of ships and she's one of the most valuable ship to have stationed here.

" nein. Let her be with her mother." Bismarck said, knowing that if Friedrich leaves this will cause Ulrich to become distracted and worried about nothing. So it's better and more efficient to have Admiral Graf Spee here who can focus and perform without disruption.

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