Oof Oof What's This?

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I've just had a great idea that popped into my head today, but this idea disregards everything I've written so far about the/my lore in this book. So below is just a completely new story line, which will maybe be 3 chapters. But that's it.


Hiryuu: " did you hear about the new dog in school?" Sitting at the lunch table with her best friend Zuikaku. They sat in the section that separated them from the apex predators. Since the cafeteria is divided into 3 different sections. One is for apex predators, the other is for non-apex predators/which include ish, and last section is for demons.

Zuikaku: " new dog?" Seeing her friend look off to the side. There was Takao. Who was already being initiated by Mio who's the alpha of this school. As well as part pure breed wolf. Putting herself higher on the hierarchy ranking.

Mio was showing Takao around the school. Giving her basically a tour as well as informing her how things work around here. Takao though was just part dog. Observing her from a distance. Hm, but she seemed to be... different...- Zuikaku thought. Usually having a good sense of others. Unsure if that's just a bird instinct of either staying put or making the decision to fly away from dangers.


Mio: " and those are the lesser species over there. We don't associate ourselves with them. Well... unless..." having a little sinister smirk on her face.

Takao: " unless?" Unsure what Mio's going for.

" unless you want to have a little 'fun' with them." Mio continued.

" fun?" Takao asked, unsure what she meant by that.

" well... either teasing them or... perhaps something more~" Mio said, looking over at where Zuikaku and Hiryuu was sitting at. Mio had been pursuing Hiryuu for awhile now. She had never met a rabbit or bunny so stubborn to not open their legs.

Takao blushed and said " o-oh.." getting what she meant now.

" they're beautiful aren't they though?" Mio commented. Onlooking them.

Takao: " y-yeah..." admiring Zuikaku a lot. Finding her beauty just breath taking. Such a vast contrast from the apex predatory side where they aren't that alluring in beauty but they sure are deadly for sure.

Mio: " but anyway interspecies relationships are always looked down upon. So I don't recommend associating with them for things other than that" telling Takao that it's okay for them to tease/meaning bully them a little as well as to have some kind of fling but that's it. They cannot/never can be friends nor eternal lovers. Stating that very clearly to her.

Mio: " it's best not to stare at them too long. You're drooling." Closing Takao's open mouth with her finger.

Takao wasn't drooling. She just had her jaw dropped open. Taken back in awe. She couldn't believe someone could look like that. So beautiful. So alluring. So stunning. Maybe it's just instincts talking.

Mio: " oh that little birdies caught your eye huh? Here let me introduce you" with a grin that had some bad intentions.

Takao embarrassed stuttered " I-I w-well.." thinking that she could do that another time it doesn't have to be right now. But Mio wasn't taking no as an answer, being very pushy. Taking Takao's hand and leading her towards them.

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