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" there are bad ships?" San Diego (who I'm gonna shorten to Sandy because it's easy to type) asked, confused. Always thinking ever ship is good as long as they're not a Siren.

" some ships are just there own selfish ship, no loyalty, no bounds, no empathy." Mikasa explained, holding all of the the gym classes together to explain this concept, because recently some scout and patrol ships had seen some of them come closer to Azur Lane.

" stay away from them." Baltimore warned, telling all the students that they should also halt all sailing, Sorties, and water play/ playing next to the water until they can resolve this problem.

Sandy though didn't listen. She didn't believe in that, in fact she thought that every ship was good and could be on their side all they needed was a little cheering up.

Hipper: " and don't even think about talking to them, they shoot on sight first. And believe me, the ships who sail alone are dangerous." In addition to that, threatening the students to obey this new lock down in place or else if she catches them she'll give them a beat down of a life time in addition to lowering their grade.

" but mama Friedrich is nice" Mutsuki said, thinking she sails alone all the time through the Mirror seas by only herself. And no other ship so far that she knows can do that.

" she wasn't always so nice" Hipper said, as Sandy than said " but she turned nice" thinking they must've swayed Friedrich somehow.

" if you wanna call her nice" Hipper said, never fully trusting Friedrich.

" the other ships aren't as nice as Friedrich" Baltimore said, telling them not to get them mixed up. But already in Sandy's mind, that was all the proof she needed to go out to sea and find a bad ship. She wanted to meet them, talk to them, bring them in Azur Lane to be friends.

Sandy put together a group of ships who liked her idea.

" are you mad?!" Javelin said, thinking she should report this before anyone gets hurt.

" don't be a snitch Javelin" Laffey said, thinking that it was a good idea and that her and Ayanami were gonna join Sandy along with a few others.

" absolutely not! You are not going! Does Z23 even know about this?!" Javelin said, mad.

" ugh see I told you she'd be like this" Ayanami said, talking to Laffey. Thinking that they should've excluded Javelin too from knowing this kind of info.

Laffey: " I thought you'd be happy to do it, to make new friends" hearing Javelin say " I'd like to make new friends of course! But haven't you heard a word our gym teachers were saying?" Thinking those ships out there are killers, and not just siren killers. Other ship killers.

" come on, how bad can they possibly be?" Ayanami said, cocky. Thinking that they've got pretty strong group of ships here. Just in case if they need to fight them.

" alright I'll come along, but just for support.." Javelin said, not wanting to leave Ayanami and Laffey hanging.

" I'm going too"Unicorn said, on the top of the staircase listening to the scene unfold.

" has everyone gone mad?!" Javelin exclaimed, telling Unicorn that she is to stay here. And that she's too young.

Unicorn: " that's not fair! Your going!"

" that's because I'm more older and experienced than you" Javelin said, hearing Unicorn say " I'll become a snitch if not." Making Javelin give her that look. She ended up coming with them.

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