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Eugen had felt so guilty afterwards.

That day she was in class with Wales. Seeing Wales look at her lovingly made her sick. She desperately wanted to tell her what happened and at the same time desperately wanted to keep it and secret and pretend that none of it ever happen.

But she knew she couldn't just be going around kissing people, taking it further and especially with someone like the leader of IronBlood, Bismarck. It's probably classified as treason doing this to her too.

Eugen was stuck in a position where revealing her relationship and what she had done to either side would massively screw her. Either face Wales anger and hatred and loose probably the best thing that's happened to her or face Bismarck's heartbreak and death sentence for this betrayal of loyalty.

Eugen didn't know what to do, avoiding Wales as much as she could.

Wales though happen to catch Eugen before exiting the classroom. The classroom was empty, all the kids had left. Leaving only them.

" Eugen why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something wrong?" Wales asked, seeing Eugen shake her head. " it's complicated" Eugen said, not knowing how to explain it to her.

Wales: " elaborate" wanting to know what the problem is.

Eugen just shook her head. Trying to leave, until Wales stopped her. Grabbing her wrist.

Eugen wasn't thinking, it was based on pure reaction. One of her mechanical shark heads bit Wales's wrist to cause her to let go.

Eugen turned around shocked at what she had done. Seeing Wales hold her wrist. Shocked that Eugen had done something like this to her.

Eugen should've helped Wales but instead she just ran.

Hipper: Eugen-" before she could say another word she ran past her.

Hipper: " HHAAAHHHHH??????!!!!" thinking what kind of reaction was that.

Eugen ran into Bismarck. The exact ship she did not want to see.

" Eugen?" Bismarck said, seeing Eugen look shaken up. Something she had never seen before.

Grabbing her shoulders to keep her from running.

" what happened?" Bismarck asked, seeing Eugen shake her head.

Hipper arrived on the scene " Eugen! why did you run from me?!" Bismarck let go of Eugen seeing her flee the scene.

" EUGEN!" Hipper called out, angrily. Not understanding her sisters actions.

Bismarck: " what happened?" questioning Hipper. Thinking she was running from her.

" THATS WHAT I WANT TO KNOW" Hipper said, explaining how when she saw Eugen before she could say anything she just ran past her.

Wales: " it was nothing, just a little accident" telling the school nurse Vestal not to report it to Princeton. Knowing that'll get Eugen in trouble and escalate things.

" nothing?! She almost broke your wrist! nothing!" Vestal said, thinking what the hell?!

" I'm required to report it" Vestal said, telling Wales this is a serious offense/matter.

" I told you it was an accident, it was me who pushed her. Please. It's not her fault." Wales said, trying to minimize the damage. And make it not as bad as it seems.

Vestal shook her head, wrapping up Wales wound. " I'm going to file a report. You and Eugen can go to Princeton and talk about it." stern on that.

Eugen couldn't believe what she had done. She had hurt Wales?- Eugen thought still processing what just happened. How could she do that? Why did she do that?- were thoughts in Eugen's mind. How could she loose control like that? Why was she so scared?

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