(The Hidden Bonus Chapter)

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Meanwhile on Essex's quest to make Enterprise notice her, she ended up bumping into Jamaica.

" hey! Watch where ya goin!" Jamaica said, with a heavy Jamaican accent I might add.

" o-oh s-sorry Jamaica" Essex said, helping her up.

" mon you need to get yo head outta da clouds" Jamaica said, thinking Essex is chasing after a taken woman. Because Belfast has already claimed her first.

" I don't know what your talking about." Essex said, denying any allegations of what that may be about. But strongly knowing what it is about.

" you need a real gal to show you love. And I know just de girl." Jamaica said, taking Essex's hand and dragging her along to one of her friends.

Jamaica: " now be nice" pushing along Essex into Weser.

" oof! Hey! Watch where your going!" Weser said, upset.

" s-sorry, it's just that Jamaica here just pushed me into you" Essex said, brushing herself off. Giving a mean look at Jamaica.

" what's the meaning of this?" Weser asked, hearing Jamaica say " mon, you two need a day out. Stop lookin at taken woman mon." Gesturing to Peter whom Weser was admiring from afar. Weser blushed and said " I-I am not!" Also deny accusations towards her about that.

" uh huh. You gals are perfect for each other. Both lonely, both desperate, both seeking taken woman's like stalkers. What more do ya need in common?" Jamaica said, hearing Essex say " how about faction? (As that played a big part in ships relationships with one another) also no offense but I hardly even know her" hearing about Weser but had never talked to her or even been in rotation to team up with her.

" same. I don't like other faction ships." Weser spoke, as she'd rather have ships who are the same faction as herself and share the same beliefs and goals in mind.

" great! You both have dat in common! Keep on talking! I'm sure you two will begin to like one another!" Jamaica said, as she left the scene.

" can you believe her?" Essex said, hearing Weser say " she's a good friend but a bad match maker. I remember one time she tried to pair up Boise with Maillé Brézé. It did not end well. Boise almost had a heart attack keeping up with Maille." Explaining how Boise has a breathing problem, and Maille is a very very very fast moving ship. So uh yeah...

Not to mention their conversations didn't match the same speed they are, Boise talking very slow meanwhile Maille is talking too quick, causing Boise to have a hard time catching all of the words she's trying to say meanwhile Maille is dying to hear the next word Boise is going to say since she's talking way too slow.

Essex chuckled hearing that, than said " really?" not knowing that. No wonder sometimes she saw Boise out of breath and Maille jumping around her in circles urging her to come on.

Weser made a small smile and say " yeah, I dare wonder what their romantic nights look like" wondering if Maille is just impatiently waiting for Boise to finish her meal so they can go to " bed" or if Boise just wants to have a slow moment with Maille to just stop for a moment and take it all in. Wondering actually if Boise just enjoys holding Maille's hand instead of traveling to different places and doing different things with her. Since it seems both of them have different ideas or concepts of what their relationship should be like. They really shouldn't be together since they seem to be complete opposites but for some reason they're still together. Which alludes Weser's logical thinking.

Even though Boise almost had a heart attack, she's still staying with Maille and Maille is still staying with Boise even though she can't stand how slow her pace is.

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