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" I just don't understand why can't you just tell me the answers. Isn't that why your here?" Kongou said, getting really upset at Amazon's teaching methods.

" because you need to figure it out yourself. There won't always be someone there to help you." Amazon replied back.

" but your literally right here. You can help me right now. And I need help." Kongou said, thinking what Amazon is saying to her might be true but honestly who uses this kind of advanced high level math anyway?

" I've told you the steps to get the answer. You need to complete it on your own." Amazon said, teaching Kongou step by step what she needs to do next.

" but that was for a different question and answer." Kongou said, thinking this new question isn't the same.

Amazon: " we learned that in the previous class. I won't teach it to you again. Weren't you paying any attention? Perhaps you should pay attention more in class instead of talking to your friends or cutting. Or come to my tutoring sessions more often instead of every now and than. Did you even take any notes?" Making Kongou scoff and say " I actually have a life. So, no thanks." Giving off attitude.

Amazon: " oh so you don't think I have a life? You don't see that I'm sacrificing my time and effort coming here to help you? I don't need to do this you know. I can be out and about enjoying my life but instead I'm giving it up to help yours." Telling Kongou the cold hard facts.

Kongou rolled her eyes and said " if you don't want to help me that's fine. I'll figure it out myself. No thanks to you." Getting up and leaving.

Amazon was left there in an empty class room bubbling with anger. Thinking these kids are so fucking ungrateful.

Talking to the other teachers while they were all having lunch together.

" oh you should've seen Kongou! Just the other day I was doing my best to help her with her math homework when she starts getting fresh on me! Ugh! Such disrespectful things coming out of that girls mouth!" Amazon spoke, talking with her friends/the other teachers.

" she's nothing compared to Jintsuu. She's such a drama queen, literally last week she screamed to go to the schools nurse because she broke a nail in gym class. A nail! And it wasn't even broke it was just chipped!" Baltimore said, thinking that's nothing compared to real serious injury. Seeing so many girls in her class get nurses notes to be excused from doing any work in her class good for a few weeks than when the note expires they get another one. And the cycle repeats itself.

" at least those girls are active. Unlike Nicholas, Laffey, Lützow, and a few others. Try teaching those girls any ounce of history and they're dead asleep. You might as well call my class sleep class." Langley said, hearing them laugh.

" what we really need to talk about is table manners. I'm talking about all the IronBlood ships have none of that. Right glowworm?" Nevada said, thinking they're all slobs. Eating violently their food and leaving a mess behind. Slob, mush, half eaten trays everywhere. Not to mention all the milk spilling everywhere.

Glowworm: " yeah, at least the Royal Navy girls pick up and clean up after the mess they make if they do make any. But the sharks are just vicious" telling the other teachers it's no joke working in the schools cafeteria.

" uh sorry" Nevada said, seeing Peter and Heinrich here. Who were IronBlood ships. So... yeah..

Peter: " no offense taken. Children can be very messy. Especially our factions." Agreeing with Nevada that yeah especially the IronBlood children are merciless in making messes.

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