calling her by her full name in front of the girls (requested)

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"Jennie, look who's here!" Lisa smiled as you walked into the studio.

Jennie, who looked as though she was about to pull her hair out, just looked away from the papers in her hands and at you before looking back to the lyric sheets.

"Oh, come on, Jennie. Put those down and say hello to your girl." Jisoo said before yanking the papers out of Jennie's grip.

"Fine." She sighed. "Hey."

"Hey?" You said back to her. "Why do you seem so unenthused to see me? I thought you'd be happy."

"Why are you here right now?" She asked as she folded her arms over her chest, leaning back in the chair she was in.

"I came by to see if you wanted to grab some food. You said you'd have some free time around now and I know how stressed you are so I figured that you'd like to go get some food and destress a little."

"Pass." She said before shaking her head. "I have more important things to do. You can't just walk in here and expect me to drop everything I'm doing for you."

You raised your eyebrows in surprise, wondering why she thought it was okay to talk to you that way.

"I wouldn't want to go out with you right now anyways. Not when I have so much to get done. If you want me to destress, then just leave. Right now, you're only making me feel worse and I don't need that."

She tried to grab the papers out of Jisoo's hand but her friend was just as outraged and shocked as you and she just handed them to Rosie, keeping them even further out of Jennie's reach.

"See? Look what you've done. Now they won't even let me do my job! Thanks so much."

"Jennie Kim!" You yelled as you banged your hands on the table in front of you.

Jennie was shocked by your sudden outburst and, even more so, by the way you just called her by her full name in front of the girls.

"Don't you dare speak to me that way!"

"Yes, Ma'am." She said as the girls all gathered around each other and giggled.

"I didn't deserve any of that and I will not tolerate it. If you didn't feel like going out for some lunch or were too busy, you could've just said so. But not like that. It was rude and uncalled for and you better apologize to me right now!"

She stood up and took the few steps over to you before gazing at you with big eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"Are you actually sorry? Or are you just saying it?"

"No, I'm actually sorry." She said before taking your hands into hers. "You're right. You didn't deserve any of that. I'm stressed out and I took that out on you and I should've known better than to do that. Please believe me and forgive me."

"Okay. But never talk to me that way again." You warned and she nodded understandingly before sending you one of those precious gummy smiles of hers before hugging you.

"That was awesome!" Lisa laughed.

"Wow, did you see how she reacted? Jennie got a little frightened there." Rose giggled.

"And she called Y/N ma'am!" Jisoo reminded everyone, making their laughter increase. "Oh, she knew she was wrong real quick."

"Well, one thing is for certain, I won't ever be talking to Y/N the way Jennie did. I don't think I'd want her to call me by my full name in front of everyone, especially not in that tone. That was pretty embarrassing, huh, Jennie?" Lisa teased.

"And deserved." Lisa pointed out.

"Yes, fine, whatever. Laugh about it. I've learned my lesson though. I'm not doing it again."

"Good girl." You told Jennie, booping her nose, making the girls laugh harder.

"I'm sorry again. Can we go get some lunch together? If you still want to."

"Sure, let's go, Jennie Kim." You replied, using her full name once more.

She rolled her eyes as the girls giggled.

"At least I know how to get your attention from now on." You said as she grabbed her bag and then your hand, ready to walk out of the studio for a while to be with you. "I'll have to use your full name more often, maybe in front of the girls, too."

She groaned and dragged her feet a little, hoping that you weren't serious about using it to your advantage more often.

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