Felix Sandman||Bully

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Thanks to Spice_xo for the idea! :)

"Hey stupid" a boy said slamming my locker shut "Go away Felix" I told him not in the mood to put up with he's nasty remarks "You can't talk to me like that bitch" he said slamming he's fist on my locker causing me to jump "Felix please" I pleaded tears filling up in my eyes "I don't have to listen to a worthless person like you!" He said storming away from me. The bell ran indicating that school was over. Everybody rushed out of school but I stud there, in front of my locker, tears falling from my eyes. I was so sick of Felix bullying me and calling me names. I don't even know what I did to have him hate me so much! I never even talked to him! I turn around and slammed my fist into the wall. Why do I have such a shit life? Why can't I just be left alone? All I wanted to do was scream.

Felix's POV

"You coming man" one of my friends said to me snapping me out of my gaze "Where" I questioned confused "The mall" he said with a weird expression "Yeah sure just let me call my mom first" I told him. I felt around in my pocket and my phone wasn't there "Dude go without me I left my phone in my locker" I told him walking towards the school entrance "Suit yourself" he said.

I walked into the school and headed to my locker. I heard a loud sob coming from somewhere. I ignore it, it was probably just my imagination anyway. I turn down the hallway to were my locker was and say I girl, not just any girl though, it was Y/n. I stopped dead in my tracks and observed her. She was crying it was evident. She probably thought she was the only one in the school. She punched the wall mumbling things I couldn't understand. Her fist lingered on the wall for a few minutes before she pulled away and examined it "Shit" I heard her say. I walked towards her "You might have broken your hand" I said to her when I saw her hand. She jumped back, frighten of my presence suddenly being there. I took her hand to look at it more closely but she pulled it away. I have her a confused look "C'mon I'll take you to the hospital and you can get that-" "No" she said with worried eyes "What do you mean no? Your hands broken you have to go to the hospital" I said raising my voice. She jumped again closing her eyes "Okay" she mumbled. I gave her another confused look. Why is she so afraid of me?


Felix took me to the hospital. I still don't know why he did and in all honesty I didn't want to go to the hospital. He parked he's car and shut it off. I stayed sitting down not moving "Are we going to go in or just sit in my car" Felix laughed "Sit in the car until my hands okay" I mumbled looking down "You don't want to go in" "No" "Why" "Because I don't want to!" I yelled. I gasped at my sudden out burst. I hope he doesn't get mad at me. I closed my eyes waiting for him to yell at me but it never came "Why are you so scared of me?" He asked. I opened my eyes. Is he really that blind? I didn't answer him and I think he got the hint "Fine, if you don't want to go in then let me look at your hand"

Felix's POV

I grabbed her hand gently making sure I didn't hurt her in the process. She tried to pull back but I wouldn't let her. I looked at the top of her hand, it was bruised and cut opened in some places. I turned her hand around, there was nothing on the inside of her hand "Move your fingers" I demanded. She did as I said and her fingers moved. I let go of her hand and started my car "I'm taking you to my house and I'll fix you up there"


I'm so sick of being in Felix's car especially since he's playing like he doesn't say mean things to me everyday. We got to he's house, I hesitated to get out of the car but I did. We walked up he's door step. He opened the door end lead me to the bathroom. He got the peroxide and some bandages "Juste sit there I guess" he said mentioning to the toilet. I sat down and handed him my hand "This might sting for a minute" he said poring the peroxide on my hand. I closed my eyes trying to not think of the pain. It soon stopped stinging and I opened my eyes, Felix was looking at me. He snapped out of he's stair and grabbed a Kleenex to wipe my hand. He looked so concentrated. He took some bandages and wrapped around my hand. In a few minutes he was done "There" he said smiling proudly "Thanks" I said. He's smile faded "Why are you so scared of me" he asked looking down "Because Felix you bully me everyday and call me names and slam your fist in my locker I mean why wouldn't you scare me" I said looking down "I'm sorry. I don't mean to hurt you and stuff i just don't know how else to talk to you.." He said playing with he's fingers "We're you crying... Because of me?" He asked with a shaky voice "Yes" I mumbled. Felix expression turn into a frown and he looked hurt "I didn't mean to -I don't want to hurt you -but I didn't think you'd talk to me if -I'm sorry"

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