O.M|| Good Luck Charm

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Good luck charm


"I can't find it anywhere" I heard him say in a muffled tone threw the phone "I'm sure you just miss placed it, you'll find it I promise" I told him trying to calm him down "I've never played a show without it Y/N" he sighed looking for the necklace I got him a few years back when we first started dating "Oscar Molander you have played shows without it, I met you while you were on tour, preforming" I rolled my eyes "You know what I mean" he said probably rolling his eyes to "You've played without it before and you can play without it tonight" "But I need to find it, it's my good luck charm" he mumbled desperately "Hey I thought I was your good luck charm" I fake pouted "You're my first good luck charm and are you here tonight? No. There for I need that necklace" I could still hear him moving stuff "Olly stop for a minute okay?" I said sitting up a little in my bed "Now where was the last place you had it?" "I took it off before I went to the gym so it as to be in this room somewhere" he said, I could practically hear him concentrating "You probably can't find it because you're stressing yourself out because you are going on stage in less than 40 minutes" I tried to say "But I can't play without it i-""Oh my god Olly! Listen to me, you are going to play this show without that necklace and you are going to absolutely smash it on stage. You don't need a necklace to be the amazing performer that you are and that I believe in. After the show you can devote as many hours as you want to find it, but right now you need to get ready to perform for your fans okay?" I said trying to calm him "Okay okay ill stop looking for it" he said but I could still here him moving things around "Olly I can hear you still looking for it" I laughed "Oh.." I imagined his cheeks flush red "Will you stay on the phone until I have to go on stage?" he asked "Of course Olly" I smiled putting him on speaking phone and laying down throwing my phone next to me

"Are you going to watch the show tonight?" he asked "If someone streams it yeah if not I'll find some videos" I told him closing my eyes "and I'm not going to watch you mess up because you won't mess up so get that out of your head" I told him knowing exactly what he was thinking "How did you.." he trailed off "Olly I've known you for years, I know what goes through your mind before a show" I smiled to myself "Your good" he laughed "I know"

"I literally have to go on stage in like 30 seconds" he panicked "Olly stop stressing you're going to do fine, now I have to go, I love you you'll do great I believe in you stop stressing and call me after" I told him quickly "I love you" he said fast has he hung up the phone probably walking on the stage. I imagines the crowd going wild as they saw their idols Walk on stage, it brought a smile on my face.

I waited patiently for Olly's phone call, the show should be done by now

"I found it, I found it, I found it!" He yelled right as I picked up the phone "I found my necklace" he continued to yell "Okay Olly calm down a little" I laughed hearing him being super happy "I'm sooooo happy that I found it" he sighed content "Where was it?" I asked "On the nightstand beside the bed" he laughed "I swear I looked there 18 times" "I told you ! you were getting to worked up so you couldn't find it" I said pointing my finger into the darkness of my room totally forgetting that he couldn't see me "I know you're always right" he sighed giggling

"I'm sure you're exhausted. You should get some sleep babe" I told him "I know.. Stay on the phone till I fall asleep?" I could hear him pout "Of course. Tell me about the show"

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