Oscar imagine for Sofie

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"I love you Sofie" "I love you too Oscar" I giggled "No, you don't understand" he said looking down at his feet. I looked at him with a questioned look. "I love you" he said looking strait at me. I shook my head. "No Oscar. You don't love me. I won't let you love me" "Why not?" "I'm not worth what I'm going to put you through" I finished by saying after a long period of time. "What does that even mean sofie?" "Oscar, I'm not easy to love. I'm not easy to be around" "You don't think after 3 years of knowing you that I wouldn't know what it's like to be with you? Because I know" he said touching my harm. "You don't know me in that way" I said trying to make him understand "You don't know what I'm like in a relationship. I'm complicated Oscar. I'm so damn complicated. One minute I'll want you with me and the next I'll want you 10 feet away from me. And sometimes I'm gonna want to spend the hole day in bed and others I'm gonna want to go on adventures at 3 am. Sometimes I'm gonna be tied to your hip and other ill be so distant. If you're looking for a simple relationship then you should keep looking because I can't give you a simple relationship all I can give you is a complicated one." I said looking at him in the eyes "I'm not looking for a simple relationship Sofie. I'm looking for a relationship with you in it no matter how complicated it is as long as you'll be in it with me I'll find a way to make things work." He said to me taking my hand in he's. I've never had a guy try this hard and honestly, it's making me fall for him even more then I had fallen for him before.

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