Olly imagine for Ella

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Hope you like it :)

Sorry there was an error with the first one published... I must have gotten distracted or something, sorry again

Hope you like it :)

"59-58-57" people scream around me. 'Where are you Olly' I asked myself "56-55" I looked around me but he still wasn't there. "54-53-53" I started walking through the house full of sweaty bodies "53-52" I looked through the kitchen. Nope. "51-50-49" the living room. Nope. "48-47-46-45" I made my way upstairs 'please don't be up here' I thought to myself. "44-43-42-41" people were a lot quieter up here but Olly wasn't up here. Not in the bathroom, not in a room(thankfully) no where. "40-39-38-37" I made my way back down stairs. Has I get to the last step one of my friends stop me "Oh my god Ella! We haven't talked all night" my friend said "UMM ya" I said looking over her shoulders "Oh I get it you're looking for Olly" she said "Yeah I am. But I'll talk to you before we leave okay" I said walking passed her "20-19" Oh my god I'm not going to find him in time. I hurried through the house going back where I was before, the back yard were Olly told me to wait for him. "17-16-15" the crowd was extremely loud now. "10-9-8-7" 'I guess Olly won't be my New Years kiss' I thought holding my jacket closer to me and looking down at my doc martins "5-4-3" I felt a hand on my cheek and a hand on my hip. My lips soon felt a pair of warm, familiar lips moving in perfect sync with each other '2-1' he found me. I smiled into the kiss. Olly found me just in time. "Happy new year baby" Olly said holding me close to him and putting he's forehead against mine "Told you I'd be back in time" he smirked "Happy new year" I said kissing he's nose

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