Olly Molander|| 3/4 5SOS lyrics

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I want to breath you in like a vapor

 We've laid in bed for most of the day now. Just her and I cuddled up in my room. This was the last day we would spend together for a while. I was going away to tour for a few months. To say that i wasn't going to miss her was an understatement but i couldn't bring her with me because she has school.

I held her closer to me resting my head on her shoulder breathing in her sent that i would miss so much "I want to breath you in like a vapor" i whispered to her making her chuckle "I'm going to miss this Olly" she breath out drawing little shapes on my back "I'm going to miss you" I stated pulling her closer to me if that was even possible "I wish i could go with you" "I wish you could come"

"Are you all packed?" she asked sitting up on the bed watching me get up off the bed "I think so- c'mon lets go make something to eat" I saidpulling her by the hand "Are your parents home?" she asked "No there working till late why?" "Cause if you haven't noticed im not wearing any pants" She chuckled.

She rested her chin on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around me from behind, watching me cook "Smells good" she mumbled kissing my back. I turned the stove off, putting the frying pan on a different rimmer. I turned around wrapping my arms around her waist kissing her soflty "I love you so much Y/N" I whispered resting my forehead on hers "I love you so much more Olly"

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