Olly imagine for Angel

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We always slept in the same bed, so why did it feel different now? I laid there staring up at the ceiling thinking about what I usual think about when I can't sleep, her. She was sleeping now, her hair was in her face and she looked peaceful. I took a few strands of hair out of her face so that I could see her better, I don't know why I felt like this towards her, I'm not supposed to, she just a friend. She rolled over on to me, her head was on my chest and her and was loosely around my waist, she must have forgotten that she wasn't alone in the bed. I wrapped my arms around her protectively. What am I doing. I sighed. I soon felt tired and feel asleep with her in my arms.

Angel's POV

I didn't want to wake up, but I had to. I opened my eyes and instead of seeing a white wall I saw a bare chest. I was confused until I remembered that Olly slept here last night like he usually did when he came over. But this time is was different, I didn't feel like it did when he usually slept over in my bed. His arms were wrapped around me, it felt like we were actually a couple for a minute. I couldn't decide if that was a good or bad things "Good morning Angel" Olly said rubbing he's eyes "Good morning Olly" I whispered "Sorry for, I guess, rolling over onto you last night" I blushed "Hey it's no problem" he smiled. I got up "Wanna do something today?" I asked trying to relieve the awkwardness "Yeah, UMM we could go to the mall or something?" "Yeah, let's do that"

"So where do you want to go first?" Olly asked me as we walked threw the doors "Ummm how about over there" I said pointing to a shop. We started walking over there when someone tapped me on the shoulder making me turn around "Hey I'm Connor" the boy said to me "Hi I'm Angel" I said with a smile. To say this boy wasn't attractive was an understatement "So I saw you from over there and well, you look absolutely beautiful" Connor said "Thanks" I said looking down to cover the redness in my cheeks "Call me sometime yeah?" He said handing me a piece of paper "Of cour-" "No she won't be calling you" Olly said cutting me off and taking the piece of paper out of my hands "Look I'm sorry I didn't know you had a boyfriend" Connor said "I don't-" "Well she does" Olly said cutting me off yet again. Connor walked away leaving me and Olly there "What the hell was that Oscar Molander!" I said mad "I- I don't know?" He stuttered "Car, now" I said storming off to the car leaving Olly behind me

"Look Angel I'm sorry" Olly said once we got into the car "Really your sorry? That fixes every thing" I said rolling my eyes "Your making a big deal out of nothing" he sighed "Look Olly I know I am but why did you do that!" I asked looking over at him "I don't know, I kinda got jealous" he whispered the last part "Why did you get jealous, we're just friends" it was now my turned to whisper "Are we really just friends though? Cause 'just friends don't look at each other the way we do and 'just friends' don't get jealous"
"Look I don't know what we are, we're not friends and we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend" I said putting my head in my hands "We could be" Olly said looking straight a head "Do you, do you UMM wanna try?" I asked "I mean yes, maybe we will figure things out as we go, as a couple" I just nodded my head as a smile crept up onto my face, I may not know what my feelings are towards Olly but I do know that this feels right

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