Imagine for @Brittany36911 (Doctor)

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Prompt: You should do one where a 10 year old girl has chest pains and louis is the dad and doctor.


Chloe POV

I was playing with my dad outside in our garden. He was preparing me for soccer tryouts. I was running when I felt chest pains. Thats weird. But I decided not to tell my dad, cause he will go all doctor-y. I fell to the ground gasping. 

"Chloe, baby whats wrong" Daddy asked.

"Daddy, I cant breath, help me"

"Its alright baby just stay calm we are going to my office. You see my daddy has his office right beside his bedroom. He has all the important doctor stuff in there. It's like a small office. He carried me there and laid me on the table.

"I am just going to listen to your breathing" I took some deep breaths while he checked me. Then he got an inhaler and said, "I am going to give you 2 puffs, take a deep breath and hold it then let go" I did as he asked and caught my breath.

"Thanks daddy"

"No problem sweets but I have to take you to the clinic cause I heard a murmur so we are going to do an EKG." Daddy said

Louis POV

My sweetie had a heart murmur, I am so upset. But I dont know if it's serious or not so we are going to the office for an EKG where I can listen to her heart through a machine. 

"No daddy, I feel fine though"

"I know sweets I just need to check, lets go" I said. It's a good thing that Chloe isn't afraid of doctors. We reached the clinic and I took her out of the car.

"Let's go inside baby" I picked her up and carried her.

"I need an EKG for my daughter" I told a nurse.

"Yes Dr. Tomlinson"

"OOOH Dr. Tomlinson" Chloe said all giggly.

"What is it Chloe?"


"well then lets go. The machine is ready are you?" I asked her.


I laid her down on the bed and turned on the machine. I was listening to her heart when I looked towards her and saw tears on her face.

"Awww, baby whats wrong?" I asked her

"Actually no, baby. It's a really minor murmur and we can take care of it so it's nothing ot worry about baby".

"Ok thank you daddy"

"I love you"

"I love u too dad" Chloe said.

A/N: I know this sucks and I am really sorry but I am working on a long imagine about Louis daughter. Keep voting and keep reading.
Love you guys

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