Imagine for NicoleRankin1

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Nicole's POV

Niall, my best friend is coming over again and I know he'll figure out that I have to go to the dentist. I keep getting these reminders and throwing them away. The thing is it's been 9 months since I went to the dentist. I really dont want to go because it hurts my mouth since I have a small jaw so when ever they try to take x-rays or look all the way in the back, it hurts. *knock knock* Oh niall is here. I skip to the door and open it for him. "Nicole!" He says. I hug him and then his face changed into a concerned face. "I found this outside your door step" Niall said and handed me a card which was a reminder. "Come on" Niall said and dragged me to his car and locked my apartment up. "Lets go to the dentist" He said. "No please Ni!!" I begged. "Shh love it will all be alright" He said. "Niall where are we going? My dentists office is this way" I said. "Umm babe. I'm taking you to a private clinic where my friend Liam works. He is very nice and he'll be very gentle with you" He explained. we reached the private clinic but I stayed seated in the car.  "Come on love. Liam is very nice. I'll help you through it and be with you the whole time" He said. I sighed and got out of the car and walked with him in the clinic. We walked in there and Niall bro hugged someone. "Hey Liam! So my friend Nicole is due for a check up but she wouldnt go so I brought her here" He explained. "Of course. Come on back Nicole" He said. I followed him back to the exam room and laid down in the chair. Liam laid the chair down and put a bib on me and also put on his gloves and mask. He positioned the light correctly and Niall sat besides me holding my hand. 

"Can you open wide for me Nicole?" Liam asks sweetly. I opened my mouth and he inserted his tools. "I cant really check for the cavities in the back since you have a small jaw so I'll do some x-rays to makes this easier" He said and got the films and put my chair back up also draping a heavy grey coat over me. "Open again" He instructed. I obeyed and he tried to place the films in and it was really hard. I closed my mouth and he sighed. "Oh, thats why you didn't want to go to the dentist. Nicole, please just try. Only for 2 minutes"  Niall begged. I opened my mouth again and Liam inserted the films in again and left the room. My mouth was aching by now but Liam quickly took the x-rays. He entered again and placed the film on the other side of my mouth. "Oww it hurts" I said taking it out. "I know. Can you just please hold that in for 30 seconds" Liam asked. I sighed and nodded. He inserted the films and did the process of taking the x-rays again. He took the films out and Niall came inside the room again with Liam. "Well, you have 1 cavity. I am sorry I had to that but if I would have tried and looked back in your mouth with my tools, then it would've been more painful.  "Open up again" Liam said laying the chair back for the second time. I open my mouth when he hovers the tools over my mouth. Luckily, the cavity isn't all the way in the back and its a very small cavity. Liam takes the drill and starts to drill out the cavity but not before numbing you. You didn't have a huge fear of needles so you were fine. He was done in 15 minutes and raised your chair back up again. "Hurts" was all you could say. "I'm sorry but its all done now" Liam said. You thank him and you and Niall drive back home and cuddle on the couch. 

"Nicole, I like you more as a friend. I love you. Please be my girlfriend" Niall asked. I nodded and we kissed a bit. "I am sorry that it hurt so much" Niall apologized. "No its alright as long as you're with me" I said. We cuddled a bit more and watched some telly.

AN: Thank you for fanficreader08 for giving me ideas for this imagine :) Love you! I promised a double update so here you go! Also please check out Imaginesandwhatever (s) book, One Direction/ 5 Seconds Of Summer Imagines. It's really good! Also please check out taryna (s) book, 5SOS Doctor Imagines. These both books are awesome and please check them out. xxx.

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