Imagine for okie_dokiee

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Alexis's POV

"LUKE!!" I screamed for my brother as I felt something under neath my foot.  We were currently at the beach so it could be anything. "what!? Is everything OK?" He asked panicking and rushing over to me with the boys. "NO!! I think a stingray just strung me" I said crying. "Shh baby we will take you to our clinic and figure out what the problem is" Michael said hushing me. Calum and Ashton carried me to our car and set me in. "It really hurts!!! guys!!" I hissed. "We know babe. Just hang in there, almost there" Ashton said. We reached the clinic and they set me on the bed. They dont have to go take a shower because we had just reached the beach when this happened so they didn't get the chance to get into their trunks and stuff. Ashton and Luke washed their hands and put on gloves but Michael and Calum were going to comfort me. "Lie down" Luke said pushing my shoulders. I laid down on the bed and Luke and Ashton rolled their chairs to the end of the bed where my stung foot was. Luke started touching my foot and I immediately pulled back. "OW!! Why would you do that!?" I hissed. Luke nodded to Michael and I got confused but the next thing I know is that Mikey is holding my leg straight for Luke so he can see whats wrong. "NO LUKE!!" I screamed. "Babe you are 14. Dont be so scared. We are only helping you" Calum said. Luke started to feel around the area that was stung and I kept trying to pull my foot back but I couldn't. Luke touched and prodded the area where I was stung and I couldn't help but let a scream escape my mouth. 

"I am sorry Alexis.. I am done promise" Luke said pulling back and Mikey let go of my foot. "We need an x-ray of that to see if there is any barb in there and then clean this" Ashton said. Luke nodded and handed me a gown that I was suppose to change into. As soon as I changed I let them in and they took me to the x-ray machine and took some x-rays which took about 15 minutes. "All done. There is some barb in there so we are going to have take it out" Calum said and I just cried. "Shh sis, why you crying?" Luke asked picking me up and setting me on his hip. "It'll hurt" I meekly replied. "Oh babe. I promise it wont hurt that much. We are going to numb you so it shouldn't hurt" Luke replied and carried me back to the exam room where they laid me down again. "Ok this maybe a little painful sis" Luke said and suddenly Calum held my hands, Mikey held my leg and Ashton held my body and chest area so I couldn't move at all. Luke inserted the needle at the cite where I was stung and I screamed out in pain. "AAAH! This is torture!!" I yelled. Luke took the needle out shortly after that and I couldn't feel my foot. "I am so sorry baby" He said and lightly rubbed my foot. It felt really good and I was about to sleep. "Stop I dont want to go to sleep" I said and he chuckled before pulling his hand back. Calum came right in front of my face and I couldn't see what Luke was doing. "Suddenly I felt a lot of pressure in my foot and some pulling. "OWW! Stop LUKE" I yelled. I got no reply but Calum kept hushing me and someone was holding my leg tighter. Luke started to stitch my foot up or thats what I was told and then I was done. 

"I am so sorry baby girl" Luke said and hugged me. I couldn't be mad at him or the boys for too long so I forgave him and found myself in a group hug.  "No going in the water for 3 days" Ashton said firmly and I laughed it off. When we went home, Calum rubbed my foot so the pain would go away and I fell asleep. 

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