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-I mess up names in this chapter. I just noticed it too. Beth is actually supposed to be Jessie, but I got all mixed up. I'm not gonna bother changing it though. sorry-

2 years later

Izzy's pov

Tonight is Hayes and I's 2 year anniversary. I am currently 16. It is 5:15 right now and our date is at 6. I just got out of the shower I decide on a white lace covered dress with white heels. My hair is curled.

6 pm

There is a knock on the door. None of the other guys are home. They are staying the night at the O2L house. I open my door to see Hayes. He looks great. "Wow. You look amazing!" He says. "You don't look to bad yourself." I respond. We walk outside to the backyard. I see a table set up with two chairs. There is a rose in a jar along with a candle. There are plates at our seats.

We just finished eating. Hayes grabs my hand. He gets down on one knee. I give him a confused look. "This isn't a proposal." He says. I sigh in relief. "You don't want to marry me?" He asks with a fake look of sadness. "I do, but we're too young." I say. He nods. "I have known you for 2 years. You are the best girlfriend I could ever ask for. I promise to be your one and only. Do you promise to be my one and only?" Hayes asks revealing a promise ring. "I promise to be your one and only." I say. He slides the ring on my middle finger. Its beautiful.

We are currently sitting in Hayes' room. He walks out of his bathroom. I stand up from the sitting on the bed. Thanks for tonight. It was amazing, and this ring is beautiful." I say. Your welcome. But it's not as beautiful as you" He cheeses. He kisses my lips passionately. It gets heated and you know what happens next.

I wake up next to Hayes with our clothes on the floor. I hear the door open and a lot of talking. The door is locked. Shoot they're home. I wake up Hayes. "Hayes they're home." I say. I get out of bed quickly and throw on my shirt and shorts. I pick up my undergarments and slightly open the door. I peek out into the hallway. I see that it's clear and run into my room. I quickly put my undergarments into the laundry basket and shut my door quietly. I quickly climb into bed and pretend to be asleep. I hear my door open. Someone starts to shake me. "Hey, Izzy. Get up, we're going swimming." Dad says. I groan and stretch. "C'mon Izzy. For real get up." He says. "Fine i'm up. Get out so I can get dressed." I say while looking at him. "Fine, but you better get up" He says. When he walks out I get up and change into my mint green bikini. I walk down into the living room and see that every one is outside. I walk out and when I do I am met with several pairs of eyes. I smile. "Did you guys have fun last night" Nash asks. Does he know. I look at Hayes and he shrugs. "What do you mean?" I ask Nash. "Your date" He says. I sigh in relief. "Yeah." I say. "Girl lemme see your promise ring" Ricky sasses. I walk up to him and show him. "Ooh girl that's nice. Nice job Hayes." Ricky says. I giggle.

2 weeks later

I have been throwing up for a week. Dad decides to take me to the hospital. "I can go in by myself dad. I'm 16 I need to learn." I say. He nods. I think I know what's wrong. I think I'm pregnant. "Isabella" The nurse calls. I get up.

*skip all of the tests*

"Well Ms. Dallas, it turns out that you're pregnant." The doctor says. I start crying. "Will you please tell my dad that I have the stomach bug. Please. I will tell him later. I'm just scared of his reacon." I tell/ask the doctor. "Of course, but you better tell the baby's father. Do you know who he is?" She asks. "Yeah. I am planning on telling him." I say.

Dad and I are in the car. We finally arrive home. I walk in and all the guys, including O2L are in the living room. Cam's girlfriend is also here. "So are you alright?" Jc asks. "Yeah" I say. "What's wrong?" Ricky asks. "She has the stomach bug." Cam responds. "I'm gonna go lay down." I say. I walk up to my room. As soon as I reach my room I start crying. Hayes walks in. "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing. I'll tell you in a minute, but let me ask you something." I say calming down. "I wanna have baby. Do you want to have one yet?" I ask him. "If that's what you want, I won't leave you." He says. I sigh. "I'm pregnant." I tell him in a whisper. His eyes widen. "You are!" He says. I nod. "I will support you through this entire time!" He reassures me.

1 week later

I was just sitting on my bed when there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I call. Beth walks in. "Can I tell you something?" She asks. I nod. "Of course." I say. "You can't tell anyone yet." She says. I nod. "Well I'm pregnant." She says. "Congrats." I say. "I wasn't planning on this but I'm definitely keeping him/her. I haven't told anyone but you." She says. "That makes two of us" I mumble. "Y-you're pregnant" She whispers. I nod. I let a few tears, "You and Hayes are the only ones who know." I say. "And Matt" Matt says peeping in the doorway. "What do you know?" I ask him. "Idk i was walking by and I heard you say 'You and Hayes are the only ones who know'" He says. He takes a seat on my bed. "Why are you crying?" Matt asks me. I shake my head. "You can tell me anything." He tells me. I sigh. "If I tell you, you can not tell anyone." I say. He nods. "I promise that I will not tell anyone" He says. "I'm pregnant" I say. "Congrats to you and..." He trails off. "Hayes. I ain't a slut" I say. He laughs. "Alright." he says. "You should tell Cam and the guys." He says. "Where are they?" I ask. "In the living room with O2L." He says. I sigh. "Im gonna tell him." I say. "Me too" Beth says. "Wait you too?" Matt asks. She nods.

I walk into the living room. I sigh. "Guys. I need to tell you something" I say. "Me too." Beth says. "You can go first" I say. She nods. "Im pregnant" Beth says. "That's great!" Cam says and runs up to her. I sigh. "I'm also pregnant" I say. I start crying. Hayes runs up to me. "It's ok baby. We're gonna make it through this either by ourselves or with the guys. Either way I'm not gonna leave your side" Hayes says. "Ill be by your side too" All the other guys say except dad. "Can I talk to you outside?" He asks me.

We walk outside to the backyard. The neighbors are out. Jill, who is 45, jack who is 47, grayson who is 17, alexander who is 16, and elijah who is 13. Dad and I got sit in our special spot. It's by the neighbor's yard, but under a tree. I sit down. I start sobbing. Dad hugs me. "Look. I'm not mad. I'm happy for you. This is gonna be a challenge for you. You are definitely keeping it though. I understand. Everyone makes mistakes." he says. Uh oh, here comes the mood swings. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU" I yell. I stand up. "isabella come back here" He says. I continue walking towards the door. "NO CAMERON. YOU CALLED IT A MISTAKE. WHAT IF IT WASNT. I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU!" I yell while crying. he gets up and runs towards me. I continue walking. We are in the middle of the yard. Dad hugs me. "Im sorry, I didn't mean it like that." He says. "I know. Mood swings." I tell him. He nods. "I'm sorry for yelling" I say. We sit down and he rubs my back while I continue crying. "I need Hayes" I say. He nods. "HAYES" He yells. Hayes runs out. "Yes" He says. "Your girlfriend wants you." He says. "Hey baby what's wrong?" He asks me. "Can we go to the shade?" I ask. He nods. We walk to the shade. In the shade it's like 89 degrees, but in the sun its like 98. The shade is right by the neighbors yard. They are in the shade as well. "Now tell me what's wrong. He says. "I'm scared" I say. "Everything will be ok in the end" He tells me. I nod. I continue crying into his chest. He rubs my back and tells me comforting things. After about 10 minutes Jill and Alex walk over. "Is everything ok?" She asks. "Y-yeah" I say. "Why are you crying sweetie?" She asks me. "Want me to tell her?" hayes asks. I nod. "She is pregnant." He says. "There is nothing to be upset about. You are gonna be a great mother."She says. I smile at her. "Thanks" I say.

-So she is pregnant. What do y'all think?-

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