Home and Meeting again

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We finally get to take ash home. She is in perfect condition. She is so beautiful.

"Izzy will you come down here please?" Dad calls. I was currently laying in my bed while ash is sleeping and hayes is at football practice.

"Yes dad?" I ask him. "The orphanage sent these. They're for you" he says. He hands me five CDs. "Do you wanna watch them now?" He asks. I nod. "Want me to watch them with you?" He asks. I nod.

The disks are labeled 1-5. Dad puts in the one labeled 1. It's of my parents. They were in the hospital. My mom laying in the bed. They were talking.They said:
(First sentence is her mom and the second is her dad) 

Why are you recording

Bc. How are you feeling

Good well except when the contractions come

Are you excited

Heck yeah I can't wait to see my baby

*skip to when she has the baby*

Welcome to the world Isabella rose

We will take care of you, I promise

She's so beautiful. Just like you.

I love you

I love you

We love you Isabella

*skip to end of the video
I am in tears. That was when I was born. I miss then more than ever. Dad hugs me. We watch the second video. It was my first birthday. My mom was beautiful. I wish she was still alive.

We watch the rest of the videos. I cry so hard. There is a knock on the door. Dad gets it. "Come in" I hear him say. The people walk in. My eyes widen. It can't be. The doctor said that they died in the crash. It is them. I run up to my parents. I cry. "I thought you were dead" I say. "We thought you were dead" mom says. "What" i ask. "The safety crew saved us and when we got to the hospital they said you were dead" she says in tears. "Who" I ask. "My mom and dad" she says. "They never liked me" I say. "I know." My dad says. "Wait so how did you find me?" I ask my mom. "Well i was confused on how you died so I asked my mom. She never have me a good reason so I asked my sister. My parents told my siblings to not tell me about you. When I asked her, she told me the orphanage. I was trying to get this information out of her for years. So when I finally arrive at the orphanage the lady tells me that you were adopted. So I tracked you down and here you are." She says. I really want to live with them again, but then again I dont. "So am I gonna move back in with you?" I ask them. "I'm gonna go to my room" my da- cam says. I nod. I know he's gonna cry. "We don't care. We know you love it here and the guys love you too" my dad says. "There was a video on YouTube and we saw how you looked at the guys and how they looked at you" mom says. "I think I'm gonna stay here." I say. They nod understandingly. "Guess what" dad says. "What" I say. "Your mom is pregnant. After many years, we finally decided that we miss having a child around." My dad says. "OMG that great. Congrats." I say. They nod.

Hayes walks in. "Hey babe." He kisses me. "Hey." I say. "Who's this?" He asks. "My parents. I'll explain everything later." I say. He nods. "Where is Ash?" He asks. "In her room. Last time I checked she was asleep." I say. he nods. "That was my boyfriend" I say. They nod. "He seemed nice" mom says. I nod.

Hayes walks down with ash in his arms. "She was awake" he says. I nod. He hands her to me. "Aw. Who's baby is that?" Mom asks. "Um mine" I say. She is shocked. "It was an accident and my first time. I haven't done it since." I say. they nod. "How old is she?" Dad asks. "she was born yesterday" I say. My mom smiles. "She looks exactly like you when you were first born" mom says. I smile. "Izzy, you might wanna go talk to cam" hayes says. "Why?" I ask. "I went to talk to him and he was a mess" hayes explains. I nod. I hand ash to mom. "Her name is Ashlyn Elizabeth." I say. "Aw" mom and dad coo.

"Dad" I knock on dad's door (cam). no answer. I open the door and see him sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. i sit next to him and hug him. He looks at me. His eyes red and puffy, and his cheeks have tear stains. "What's wrong" I ask. "I'm scared you're gonna leave me. I know I'm not your real dad but you just seem like my daughter. If you leave I won't be the same." He says. "I'm staying here" I say. He smiles. i hug him. "I love you" I tell him. "Love you too" he says.

Adopted by Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now