Ch 8 (I think)

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 -Bethany Mota plays Bethany Smith in this book I couldn't get a pic bc my computer is being stupid. srry- 

2 months later

August 23rd @ 5 in the morning 

Cameron's pov

"Cameron Alexander Dallas wake up" I hear while someone is shaking me.  I open my eyes and see Beth. "Hm" I mumble "My water broke, we've gotta go to the hospital" She says. I hop out of bed, pick her up, and rush out the door. I set her in my car gently. "What about the bag?" She asks. I run back into the house and grab the bag. I run back out to car and hop in. I'm surprised we didn't wake up anyone else, I mean its 5 in the morning. I start up the car and start driving to the hospital. I tell Beth to call Izzy and tell her. 

Izzy's pov

I wake up to my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID. It's Beth. 


Hey Izzy, we're on our way to the hospital. My water broke.

Alright, I'll wake up everyone and tell them, and then we'll drive to the hospital. 

Alright see ya soon


I hang up and head towards Hayes' room. He normally sleeps in my room, but I wanted space last night. I was moody.  I shake him. "Wake up. Beth's water broke." I say.  "Alright. Lets go get everyone else up." He says. 

*skips to when they arrive at the hospital.*

"We're here for Bethany Smith." I say. "She is delivering her baby right now, so no one can be in there." She says all rudely. "Is her boyfriend with her?" I ask. "Yes" She replies. I walk away. I take my seat next to Hayes. "We can't go into her room. She is delivering her baby." I say. They nod. 

I see Dad walking towards us. He has a huge smile on his face. I slowly get up. "So?" I ask when I get up. "They both made it. You wanna meet him?" He asks. "You had a son?" I ask. He nods. "Congrats!" I say. Thanks. Come on guys." He says. We follow him and soon arrive at her room. I see Beth sitting on the bed holding her son in her arms. I walk up to her. "Congrats" I say quietly. "Thanks" She says just as loud. "You wanna hold him?" She asks. I nod. She hands him to me. I look down at him. I smile. He opens his eyes. He has brown eyes, like his parents, with dad's mouth, and Beth's nose and cheekbones. "What is his name?"  I ask Beth.  "Cody Alexander" She says. "That is adorable." I say. Hayes walks over to me. He wraps his arm around my waist. "Just think, in two months we will have our baby" Hayes says. "I know." I respond. "He is too cute" I say. "I know" Beth says. I hand Cody back.  "I think I just got another contraction" Beth says. I look at her confused. "Go get the doctor." She says. I rush out of the room and look for the doctor. "Are you Doctor Wilson?" I ask. "Yes why?" "My dad's girlfriend, Bethany Smith, said that she thinks that she had another contraction." I say. He rushes towards her room. I see Hayes outside. "He said that we had to go to the waiting room. All the other guys are there." Hayes says. We walk to the waiting room. 

Beth's pov

The doctor rushes in and tells the guys to leave. "I'm gonna do another ultrasound." He says. I nod. I squeeze Cam's hand as another contraction comes. When the doctor starts moving the tool his face turns into shock. "There is another baby." He says. I look at Cam. He has a smile. 

The baby is out, but it's not crying.  They rush out with it. "You had a girl, but she was purple. She wasn't breathing, so we're gonna try our best to save her." He says and leaves. I look at Cam. He starts crying. He never cries. I start crying too. The nurses took Cody away since I was having another baby. He hugs me. We cry together. 

"I'm sorry guys. She didn't make it. We did all we could." The nurse says. "C-can I hold her?" I ask. She nods. She walks away and comes back with a bundle of small blankets. She hands me my baby. I remove the blanket off of her and look at her purple face. I let Cam hold her. He holds her and gives her back to me. I let a tear fall on her face. I kiss her forehead.  "Natalie Ann." I say. Cam nods. I look at her again. Her eyes open. I gasp "Cam. She opened her eyes." I say. "I thought she was" He trails off. "Me too." She smiles at us. The nurse walks in. "S-she's alive" I say. She looks at me confusingly. She walks over and sees that she is alive. She gasps. "I'll be back. She leaves and comes back moments later with the doctor. "Congrats." He says. 

Izzy's pov

I see dad walking towards us and it looks like he has been crying. Oh no. I rush to him. "What's wrong?" I ask. He never cries. "Beth gave birth to a little girl and see wasn't crying. They took her and returned a bit later saying she didn't make it. We wanted to see her so they brought her to us. Beth was holding her, and Natalie opened her eyes. She then smiled. It was a miracle. Natalie Ann made it." Dad said while crying. "I'm so happy for you." I say.  "So Cody Alexander and Natalie Ann. Cute"I say. 

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