Ch 25

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I just realized that I forgot Gabe in the last chapter. Lets just say that he was there as well. Whoops. I had a lot of things on my mind ok?

Izzy's pov

"Thanks for watching them" I tell my mom as she walks in the house. She was gonna watch Ash, Noah, Eliza, and Ollie. "No problem honey" She tells me. Hayes, Gabe, and I walk to the car. 


We pull up to the McDonald's parking lot and parked. We got out and walked in. 

We order and find a seat. We sit at a table by another couple. "Mom, can Trevor come over again?" He asks. It's friday. "Yes" I say after looking for approval at Hayes. "Thanks mom, thanks dad" He says. "No problem Gabe" Hayes tells him.  The woman sitting by us gets up to go to the restroom. When she comes back she looks at Gabe. "Gabe?" She asks. "What do you want?" He asks her. His eyes are full of anger, hatred, and disgust. I have never seen him that way. "I want you back" She says. "No. I am happy with Izzy and Hayes who are better parents and actually care about me and want me." He spits at her. "I'm you're mother. Don't speak to me that way" She says. "No. You're not my mother. Izzy is. You may have given birth to me, but Izzy is legally my mother. She actually WANTS me and CARES for me." He says. My jaw drops. She walks over to me. She tries to slap me but I grab her arm.  "Don't touch me and get out of my face. Leave us alone and go do your own thing. Got it" I say through gritted teeth. She looks scared. She nods. I let go of her arm. 

Her husband or who ever walks over. "Why did you do that?" He asks. I explain the story. "I'm sorry son. I wanted to keep you, but Suzane wouldn't" He says. "It's ok." 


The next day

I sit on the bleachers while Hayes practices. This bring back so many memories. 


They were 16

"Come watch my practice" Hayes urges me. I nod. 


We walk onto the field. I go sit on the bleachers. Hayes runs off to practice. His friends stare at me. "Well hello there" A guy says to me. "Leave me alone" I say. "Sorry, no can do. A pretty girl can't sit here alone." He says. "Actually I'm not here alone. My boyfriend is here too" I say. "I don't see him." He says. "That's because that he is practicing" I tell him. I see Hayes walk over. "Hey babe, is he bothering you?" He asks. "I-i didn't know she was yours." The guy stutters. "Get out of here" Hayes tells him. He runs off. Hayes smirks and kisses me. "I love my babies" He says. I was pregnant at the time. Only 3 months though. "I love you too." i say. 


"Well well well look who we have here." The same guy from 3 years ago says. He was the newest member on the team. I show him my hand. "I'm married and have four kids" I say. "Where is your husband?" He asks. Hayes walks over. "Really dude, again?" Hayes asks.  "Y'all are married?" He asks. "Yep. Get out of here" Hayes says. The guy runs off again. Hayes smirks and kisses me. Deja vu all over again. Ah, I love my husband. "This would've been like 3 years ago, but you're not pregnant." Hayes tells me. "I can fix that" He smirks. I roll my eyes. 


"We've got the house to ourselves." Hayes smirks and pushes me against the wall. I push him away. "I don't want anymore kids for awhile." I say. "I know. But still.." He smirks and carries me to the bedroom. 


The next morning

Gabe's pov

"Dude, lemme go tell my parents that I'm home." I tell Trev. "K" He responds. I walk up to their room. It's only 7 in the morning.  When I walk in I see their clothes on the floor. I see mom's back is bare. Good thing that she is on her stomach and that the blanket is covering her lower half and dad.  Ew! They... Oh my gosh. I walk down stairs. "I'm gonna let them sleep longer. I don't think that they got much sleep" I tell Trev. "Why do you say that?" He asks me. "I just have a feeling." I say. 


Izzy's pov

I wake up and look at the time. 8:13. I wake up Hayes. I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I brush my hair and throw it up into a bun. I brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk back into the bedroom and throw on Hayes' white shirt that is on the ground and a pair of sweats. I don't bother with my undergarments since I'm gonna take a shower after I eat breakfast. 

I walk down the stairs with Hayes and see Gabe and Trev sitting on the couch. "Morning" Gabe says. "Good morning" I say. "What did you guys do yesterday?" Gabe asks. "Well, we ate at the diner and then went to my practice. Then we came here and ate again, and went to bedd" I lie, well about the last  part. "Ok, mom" Gabe says. I cross my arms over my chest. "What, do you not believe me?" I ask. "Yep. I went to wake you guys up and saw your clothes on the floor" He smirks. "It got hot" Hayes tells him. "Sure.." Gabe says. "I blush and hide my face in Hayes. Cam walks in and sees me with my face hidden in Hayes' shoulder. "What is going on here?" He asks. "Nothing" I say. Cam raises his eyebrows. "Why are you blushing?" He asks me. "Nothing" I say. "Gabe?" Cam asks Gabe. Gabe tells Cam the story.  "Aw, is Izzy embarrassed?" Cam asks. He picks me up and walks outside. He throws me in the pool. "REALLY CAM?!" I yell at Cam. "What?" He asks oblivious. "MY SHIRT IS WHITE!" I say. "So?!" He says. "Gabe is in the living room, where the stairs are" I say. His eyes widen. Gabe, Trevor, and Hayes walk outside. Luckily I am against the ledge of the pool. My eyes widen as does Hayes' and Cam's. Hayes walks inside and grabs a towel. Gabe and Trevor are sitting at one of the tables. Hayes holds the towel out with his hands, so that when I get out of the pool, no one will see anything but Hayes. When I get out I wrap the towel around me and walk inside while glaring at Cam. 


"I'm sorry" Cam says. "i forgive you" I say. "I love you" He says. "love you too" I say back. He smiles at me. I smile back. The next thing I know is having whipped cream in my face. I turn around and see Matt, who I have not seen in a month.  "MATT!" I say and run over to him. I hug him. He hugs back. I wipe my cheek on his so the whipped cream on my face rubs off on him. I smile at him while he gives me a look that says 'You did not just do that.' I laugh and release from his grip. 

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