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Sammy's pov (shocker right!) 

I start walking home from school. It feels amazing outside. Spring has already come. 

I look around as I walk home. I see buds of flowers and green leaves appearing. I forgot how much I love this weather. 

I can't wait to turn thirteen in a week. Maybe then everyone will stop treating me like a baby. It gets really annoying. 


I start to feel like I am being watched. I look behind me. Nothing. Weird. I shrug it off and pick up my pace. 

I get the feeling again. I ignore it. Now I am scared. I glance behind me and see nothing. I start to run. Someone puts cloth over my nose and mouth. 

I feel lightheaded and then everything turns black. 


I wake up tied in a chair. I look around the room. It looks like an unfinished basement. Cement floors. Brick walls. It's also really cold down here.

I move around as much as I can to loosen the ropes. They're not budging. I sigh deeply in frustration. 

After awhile, a man comes down into the basement. He stands in front of me. 

"What do you want from me?" I ask. "I've been watching you for the past three weeks baby." His husky voice sends chills down my back. "Don't call me that" I snap.

He slaps me. "Do not tell me what to do" He growls. I whimper in pain and fear. 

"Try to escape, I will kill you" He says. I swallow the lump in my throat. "What do you want from me?" I ask him again. 

"I brought you here for my pleasures" He smirks. 

My heart drops to my stomach. He's gonna rape me. "Now, get some rest sweetheart. You have a long day tomorrow." He says and leaves. 


Izzy's pov

"Honey, have you seen Sammy?" I ask Hayes. He shakes his head. "It's seven. She would've been home by now" I say, getting worried. 

"Don't worry honey, I'm sure she's fine" Hayes reassures me. I nod. 


"I'm calling Eliza" I say when Sammy hasn't shown up. It's midnight now. 

"What do you want that could be so important that you woke me up?" She asks, clearly annoyed. "Watch the attitude Eliza" I warn. "Sorry, not what?" She asks. "Is Sammy at your house?" I ask. "No, why?" She asks. "She hasn't shown up here. It's midnight. She should've been home by now." I say. "Mom, I'm sure she's fine." Eliza says. "Alright. I got to go. Bye" I say and hang up. 

I call Ash. "Hello?" She tiredly answers. "Sorry, if I just woke you up, but have you seen Sammy?" I ask. "No. Is everything alright?" Ash asks. "She hasn't shown up." I say.


No one has seen Sammy. All of the Magcon boys, Ash, and Eliza are at the house. Wes and Zach are staying at home, watching the children. 

"So what happened?" A cop asks me. "My daughter went to school, and never came home. I've called her many times, but she doesn't answer." I say. He nods. "There is a rapist on the loose right now. We've been looking for him for weeks now." He says. 

I get a bad feeling. "He has her" I whisper. "Excuse me?" He asks. "He took her" I say. I look at him as tears leave my eyes. 

"Are you sure?" He asks. I nod. "whenever you said that, I got a bad feeling. He has my baby" I cry. Hayes hugs me. 

"Ok. We're gonna search for him." The cop says. I nod. "Do not leave your house. He could get you next" He instructs. We all nod. 



Sammy's missing, well we know where she's at. They don't. I wonder if they will find her? Do you think they will?

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