Ch 10

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1 month later

Izzy's pov

"Babe, wanna do a movie marathon?" Hayes asks. "Yeah." I say. 

We were in the middle of watching Mean Girls when my water broke. "Hayes my water broke" I say. He gets up, gets our bag, and picks me up. Today is November 6th. (Couldn't remember the due date) When we get to the hospital, I am taken into a room. "Alright, you are 4 cm dilated" The doctor tells me

9 hours later. 

It is now 6:47 in the morning. Today is November 7th.  Another contraction comes. When it passes the doctor checks how far I am dilated. "You are now 10 cm dilated. I need one big push." She says. 

3 pushes later

"Congrats. You had a baby girl" She says. I smile 

"What's her name?" Dad asks. "Ashlyn Elizabeth." I say. "How cute." Dad says. "She's finally here" Hayes says as he is holding her. "I know it" I say. "Congratulations!" Dr. Stuart says. "Thanks" I say. 

-sorry its short, but I just wanted to do a double update! I might not be able to update on sunday bc i have church and after church i have to go to a family cook out since its a go away party for my uncle. he is moving all the way to oregan and i live in indiana. its gonna suck. ~Hannah <3

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