Ch 71

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Hayes' pov

"Mr. Grier?" I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around. "Can I talk to you?" Zack asks me. He looks nervous. I nod and lead him into the kitchen. 

"Can I have Eliza's hand in marriage?" He quietly asks. I sigh. This isn't as hard as it was with Ash, but it's still hard. "Yeah. I can see how you look at her and vice versa." I smile. "Thank you sir. You won't regret it" Zack says. "I know I won't" I chuckle. 


Eliza's pov

"How old are you dear?" The principal asks. "I'm 19." I smile. 


"Congrats! I know you haven't done the college courses on this, but we need you and you are a valedictorian. You are now a registered teacher!" She smiles. I smile. "When do I start?" I ask. "Next Monday" She smiles. I nod.


I pull into my driveway. I toss my keys and phone into my purse. 

I walk to the front door and open the door. I see rose pedals on the floor. I sit my purse on the table in the mudroom. I follow the rose pedals. They lead in the living room. I see Elizabeth sitting on the couch with a poster.  There are rose pedals shaped as a heart around the couch. 

"Will you marry me?"  is on the poster. I cover my mouth with my hand. "So will you?" I jump. I turn around. I see Zack on one knee holding a black box. "Yes!" I say. He stands up and hugs me. "Baby, you have no idea of how lucky I am. You are a very special woman. I love you so much. I can't write a book to describe how much I love you." He says when we pull apart. 

I wipe my tears as he puts the ring on my finger. I hear clapping behind us and when I turn around, I see my family. 

"Congrats babygirl" Dad say, hugging me. I thank him. 

"You're getting married. What am I gonna do without you?" Ollie asks as he wipes his tears. "Ollie, you are never gonna be without me. I'll only be a phone call away" I say. He nods. 



I walk into my classroom. I have a good hour until I have my first class, homeroom. 


"Wow, is that our teacher? She is hot" I hear a guy say. I ignore it. The bell rings. 

"Good morning!" I smile. "My name is Ms. Grier." I add onto my first sentence. 

"I ha-" I am cut off by a knock on the door. Zack walks into the room. "Good morning" I smile. "Um Eliza, can I speak to you please?" He asks. He is mad. He never calls me Eliza. "Yeah" I say. 

"Here is a get to know you paper. I will continue in a second" I say and follow Zack into the hall. 

"What are these?" He asks, pulling three white sticks out of his jacket. I sigh. 

"I was going to tell you. I wasn't sure that I am, so I was gonna go to the hospital after school." I say. "Why couldn't you have just told me?" He asks. "I wanted to surprise you in some sort of way if I am. I'm sorry baby" I say and look down. "It's ok. Just next time, tell me." He says and kisses me. I nod when we pull away. 

"Sorry about that" I say when I enter my classroom again. "I love you" Zack says after he peeps his head through the door. "I love you too. Now go home and sleep or watch Elly." I say. He shakes his head and laughs. 


While I wait for the bell to ring, I scroll through instagram. "Woah, our teacher is hot" I hear someone say. First period was about to start. I ignore it once again. 

"Eliza?" I hear a familiar voice say. I look up. "Shane? Colten?" I ask. "You're our new teacher?" Colten asks. "I guess so." I chuckle. "Well, this outta be fun. My sister is my teacher" I hear Shane mumble. "Shane, Colten come here" I say. 

When they get to my desk, I show them a picture. "WHAT!" Shane yells. "Shane shush" I say. She nods. "Are you sure?" She asks. "No. Zack and I were gonna wait till ya know again after marriage, but we got carried away the night he proposed to me. I'm gonna go to a hospital after school" I say quietly. "Does Zack know?" Colten asks. I nod. "We're going together. He is meeting me there" I say. They nod.

"Now go sit down" I say when the bell rings. 


"My name is Ms. Grier. I am the new teacher here. I am engaged to a wonderful guy and I have a daughter." I introduce myself. "I know this already" Shane says. "Shane" I warn. "Eliza" She fires back. I cross my arms. "What has gotten in to you?" I ask. She shrugs. 

I motion her to come out in the hall. "Colten, will you pass these out?" I ask my brother. He nods and takes the papers. 

"What's up?" I ask her. "My standards" She smirks. I glare at her. "Don't think I'm not telling mom about this" I say and walk back into the room. "You can't do that Eliza." She says, following me. "Want a bet?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes and takes her seat. 


I feel a tug at my pants. I look down and see Elizabeth. "Hi baby. What are you doing here?" I ask her. "She was missing her mommy and so was I" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and see Zack. I smile and walk to him. He presses his lips to mine. 

"I already have to see this at home and now here?" I hear Colten joke. I pull apart and laugh. "Hey Shane, hey Colten. How is it to have your sister as your teacher?" Zack asks. "It's cool." Colten says but Shane shrugs.


While everyone was either on their phones or talking, I call Colten up to my desk. 

"Do you know what's wrong with Shane?" I ask. He nods. "She said that she was mad that you are getting married and then you were gonna leave us. She said that she doesn't want you to be like Ash, who we barely see anymore." Colten spills. I nod and dismiss him. 

"Shane, come here please." I call out to her. "What?" She asks. 

"Colten explained everything. Is it true? Are you mad that I'm getting married and then I'm gonna leave you?" I ask her. She nods as she tears up. "Shane, listen. I will never leave you. So what i'm not gonna be in the same house as you. I'll only be a phone call away. If you need me, call me. I'll come over or come pick you up. And I'm your teacher, so that's a way that you can see me too. OK?" I tell her. She nods as a tear falls from her eye. 

I stand up and hug her. She wraps her arms around me. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell mom" I whisper. She nods. 


I walk into the hospital with Zack. I fill out the papers and do all of that. 

"Eliza Grier" A voice calls. Zack and I stand up. 


"Well, it turns out that you are..."




hehe... cliff hanger. Hm... I need  ideas for the wedding... The wedding is prolly gonna be chapter 73... I dunno yet...

XOXO, Hannah 

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