Ch 64

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Recap on chapter 61:

"Guess what" Drew says.

"What?" I ask.


Ash's pov

"Well... I'm a father of two" He smiles. I smile and hug him. "Congrats bestie" I smile. He laughs lightly at my last word.

"Ummm.... There is something that I haven't told anyone yet.." I say.

I look at Wes. He has one of his eyebrows raised as if telling me to go on.

"Wes, you're gonna be a daddy again" I smile. His eyes widen and a huge grin appears on his face. He hands Ben to Drew as Danny and Bella stand by his side.

He hugs me as he spins me around. I giggle.


9 months later

I wake up to water trickling down my leg. It's time.

"Wes" I shake him. "Baby, go back to bed" He sleepily says. "How can I when my water just broke?" I ask him.

After I said that sentence, his eyes pop open, and he gets up.

He slides a pair of sweats on and a t-shirt since we slept naked last night because it was hot. The kids were with my parents because my due date is in a few days.

He helps me up as I put on sweats and a t-shirt. He slides my flip flops onto my feet after he puts his on.

He hands me the hospital bag as he picks me up.

He runs to the stairs and carefully walks down them. When he gets to the bottom, he rushes out of the front door, and locking it behind him.

10 hours of painful contraction later...

"One more big push!" The doctor says. I push for another 10 seconds. "She's out" A nurse yells.

"Why isn't my baby crying?" I ask. "We don't know. We'll take care of her though." The doctor says and rushes out.


"I am very sorry to tell you this... Your baby didn't make it. I'm so sorry." The doctor says.

I just stare at the wall in shock. No tears, no comments. "A-Ash are y-you o-ok?" Wes asks me. I look at him. His eyes are red and puffy as tears leave his green eyes. 

Right then and there, I lose it. I start to sob as Wes comforts me and tries to hold back his tears.
"Would you guys like to see her?" A nurse asks. I look up and nod.

A few moments later, the nurse enters the room with a bundle of pink blankets.

When she hands me the baby, I try my hardest to hold back my tears, but fail.

I put my hands to my face as I cry. I cry with Wes for another minute before I hear crying.

Not just any crying. It sounded like a baby. I remove my hands from my face and look down at my baby.

Her eyes are open as she cries. When she sees me smiling at her, she stops. She smiles at me.

She looks just like me, but with Wes' green eyes.

"Wes" I say and nudge my crying husband.

He looks at me. I point at the baby.

He smiles. "It's a miracle. She is alive!!" Wes smiles.
"This is a miracle" mom says as I tell her about what happened.

Then it hit me. "Miracle" I say and look at Wes. "Miracle Mae" We say in sync. That is how we got our baby's name.

Miracle Mae
Born at 10:37 PM
November 4

She is a blessing from God. We named her miracle bc it is a miracle that we will be able to take our daughter home.

Other parents are not as lucky.

"Wes. Let's pray and thank God for giving our baby a chance to live." I say. He looks at me and nods. I take his ham in mine as I begin the prayer.

"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for giving Miracle a chance to live. It is truly a blessing. Wes and I will be forever grateful for the life you have given us and our family. I know we may not always follow your commandments or wishes, but just know that we still believe and that we are grateful for everything. Father, please forgive our sins. Forgive us for all of our wrong doings. Lord, we end this prayer in The Lord, Jesus Christ, amen." I pray. I look up at Wes. He smiles at me.
Wes and I walk into the church we haven't been to in a while.
"Now we will have our news of the family." The lay assistant says. I raise my hand.

"I had my baby, Miracle, a few days ago." I start.

"When she was out of my stomach, she didn't cry. The nurses and doctors took her away. A little while later, my doctor told me that she was gone." I continue.

"They brought her into the room I was in, so we could see her. Wes and I were crying while she was on my lap, until we heard cries. We saw that she was alive. I truly believe that this is God's blessing. I named her Miracle because she is truly a miracle. Thank you" I finish and sit down.

Everyone claps and says "amen".
"We will now have the prayers of the family." The lay assistant says. The pastor emerges from his chair and stands in front of the microphone.

I raise my hand. "Ash" he says. "Pray for the families that have lost their children" I says. He nods.
After church we went home and sat with Miracle on our laps. I then realized that we really were lucky to take home our beautiful baby.

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