Ch 41

478 13 1

Hayes' pov

Work today was awful! Today was a terrible day. I'm in such a bad mood. When I pull into the driveway, I get out of my car. I unlock the front door and walk in. I see Izzy sitting on the couch. "How was work?" She asks. I ignore her. I'm not in the mood. She walks up to me and tries to kiss me. I push her away. "What has gotten into you Hayes?" She asks. I ignore her and walk up the stairs. "Benjamin Hayes Grier" She says in a tone of anger. I walk into our room. "What the heck is wrong with you?" She asks. Anger, confusion, and worry is clear in her voice. "Hayes" She calls. "Just shut up" I snap. "Don't talk to me that way" She spits. I turn around. "Isabella just shut the heck up. Leave me alone. Geez, you're so clingy" I spit. "Shut up Hayes. I am not clingy, I'm worried" She spits. "No, you're an annoying, clingy, slut" I snap. Anger flashes in her eyes. She slaps me. "I hate you" She chokes out. I turn around and walk down the stairs. I grab my wallet and keys. 

I get in my car and start it. I start driving down the road and turn on the radio. She's everything by Brad Paisley comes on. 

  She's a yellow pair of shoes
A holey pair of jeans
She looks great in cheap sunglasses
She looks great in anything
She's I want a piece of chocolate
Take me to a
She's I can't find a thing to wear
and then she's moody

She's a Saturn with a sunroof
With her brown a-blowing
She's a soft place to land
And a good feeling knowing
She's a warm conversation
That I wouldn't miss for nothing
She's a fighter when she's mad
And she's a lover when she's loving

And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
I talk about her, I go on and on and on
'Cause she's everything to me

She's a Saturday out on the town
And a church girl on
She's a cross around her neck
And a cuss word 'cause its Monday
She's a bubble bath and candles
Baby come and kiss me
She's a one glass of wine
And she's feeling kinda tipsy

She's the giver I wish I could be
And the stealer of the covers
She's a picture in my wallet
and my unborn children's mother
She's the hand that I'm holding
When I'm on my knees and praying
She's the answer  to my prayer
And she's the that I'm

[Repeat chorus]

She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for

And she's everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me
Yeah she's everything to me

Everything I ever wanted
And everything I need
She's everything to me

After that song ends I realize something. "What did I just do?" I ask myself. "Gosh I'm so stupid. I probably just ruined our relationship. I turn my car around and drive towards my house.

I walk through the door. I see Izzy on the couch being comforted by Shane. "Izzy, look. I didn't mean anything I said. I had a horrible day at work. I was mad. I'm so sorry." I say. "Leave me alone Benjamin. I don't want to see you right now.   What you said hurt. You still said it." She spits. I sigh. "Baby, please-" I am cut off by Izzy. "Leave me alone! Don't call me baby or babe or anything." She yells. I sigh. I walk back outside. I get in my car and drive to Nash's place. 

I knock on the door. I wipe my tears. "Uncle Hayes?" My 18 year old nephew Jake says. "H-hey Jake, is Nash home?" I ask him. "Dad! Uncle Hayes is here" He calls. Nash soon appears. "Hey little bro. Wait what's wrong?" He asks. "Izzy and I got in a fight. Let's just say she hates me right now." I say. "What happened?" He asks. We walk into his living room and I explain everything. "Wow dude. You messed up big time" He says. "No duh. How can I fix this?" I ask. "I think I know" He says. 


Izzy's pov

"Mom, let's go" Ash says. "Where to?" I ask. "That's a surprise." She smirks. I sigh and roll my eyes. I haven't talked to Hayes in days. He's such a douche. Ash pulls into a theater. 

"Ashley and Izzy Grier" Ash says. "Right this way." She says. She takes us to one of the movie rooms. Ash grabs my hand and pulls me to the middle row. We take a seat. She's everything starts playing. Pictures of Hayes and I appear. They go from when we were younger (individual) , to when we were 14 (together), to when we had Ash, to when he proposed, to our wedding, to when we had the triplets, to when we had the twins, to when we had Sammy, to when we became grandparents, to now.  (She's Everything would've ended, so Sad Song would've played, and then God gave me you, and then all back by chris brown comes on) I now have tears in my eyes. The lights turn back on. I see Hayes down by the stairs. "I am so sorry Izzy. If I lost you, I would lose myself, I'd lose my other half, the other part of my love story, my wife, my children's mother, the person I fell in love with when I was 14. I made mistakes. I'm human. So are you. But, please Izzy, I couldn't live without seeing your beautiful face. Isabella Rose will you forgive me?" Hayes says. I stand up and run into his arms. "of course" I say and kiss him. I hear a lot of cheering. I look behind me and see my beautiful family. 


So i took an MLA today. If you don't know what that is, it's a hundred point test. I already know that I didn't get a 100% on it. Whoops. All well. It's only 75% of my grade. Oops. I'll do an early update if someone can tell me what this means: canis est in via. DO NOT LOOK IT UP! jk, you can. It's latin. anyways I love you beautiful people!  

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