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Izzy's pov

"I love you" Hayes smiles his cheesy smile. "I love you more" I smile. "Are you sure about that?" Hayes asks. "Positive." I say. He gives me an unsure look and just nods. 

There is a knock on my door. Hayes gets up.  

"Come in!" Hayes says and opens the door wide enough. When I see who it is, I can not believe my eyes. "Sam!" I yell and run up to the man I have not seen in years. "Hey Iz" He smiles. I smile and hug him. "You look great" I smile. "You do too" He responds. I smile at him. 

"This is my 15 year old son. Daniel." Sam smiles. I smile. I call down my five children that live in the house. I call Eliza and Ash. "Well, my oldest two are moved out. Ash is 42 now. Eliza is 20."  I say. He nods. 

When the kids get downstairs, I start to introduce them. "This is Oliver and Noah. They are 20. Eliza, Ollie, and Noah are triplets. This is Shane and Colten. They are 15 and twins. And last but not least, this is Sammy. She is 12." I smile. Sam smiles. "They are beautiful and handsome." Sam smiles.

I hear a knock on my door. Colten gets it. "El!" He exclaims. "Eliza is here" I say. He nods. When Eliza walks in with Wes, Fin, and Elizabeth, I introduce them. "This is my 20 year old, Eliza. She is married to wes, adopted Finley, and has a four year old daughter named Elizabeth." I smile. "Um, mom" Eliza says. 

"What?" I ask. "I don't have 2 kids" She says and sets her hand on her flat stomach. "You're pregnant?" I ask. She smiles and nods. "two weeks" She smiles and looks at Wes. "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask. "I just found out today. You called me during my ultrasound to see if I was" She says. I nod.



I set my table and the second table for the family. All of the guys are with their family, but Hayes' parents are coming here. Sadly, Sky can't make it. She is visiting her husband's family. 


When everyone comes, gets their food, and is seated I stand up. "Guys, I am thankful for all of you guys." I smile. "I'm gonna start a prayer" I say. "Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for my wonderful family. For my kids, my grandchildren, my parents in law, my Magcon boys (A/N: they aren't there, but she thanks him for them), my friends, and last but not least my amazing husband. We are all thankful for many different things. We are all especially you and your miracles. Lord, we thank you for all of the joys you have given us, and all of the pain. The pain is what makes us into who we are today. Thank you so much Lord. In your name, Jesus Christ, amen." I say with my eyes shut and my head bowed. 

"Amen" Everyone repeats. 

I smile and start eating with some of the people I love so much. I watch as everyone laughs, talks, and smiles. Thanksgiving is a special time for me. I get to spend it with my loved ones. Without them, I wouldn't be there person I am today. I thank God everyday that I get to be with these amazing people. 

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Eliza asks. "to get to the other side!" Eliza finishes. "That's so old" I laugh. She nods. "That's the point." She says and smiles. I shake my head and laugh. 

These are some amazing people. They are definitely unique. I love them anyways.  

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