Lockdown (69)

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🚨WARNING!!!🚨 this may be triggering to some readers.

Shane's Pov

"Do you understand what a punnet square is?" Ms Andrews asks. I raise my hand. "Yes S-" she is cut off by several bangs.

"Class to the back!" She whisper yells. We all run to the back. I hide behind a desk. Ms. Andrews, with the help of another student, barricade the door.

Her phone starts ringing. "Hello?" She asks. "What?" She questions. "Already done." She says.

She sets the phone down.

"Guys, this is a lockdown emergency. This is not a drill. Those loud bangs that we heard a few minutes ago were  gunshots. Cops are surrounding the building." She says.

She stands in front of the door. "Ms. Andrews get back here" I quietly say. She hurries to the back.

"If he comes in, throw anything at him. Anything" she says.

The door starts to jiggle. A loud bang is heard and directly following, a sound of wood being hit is made.

All of the girls jump. "Guys quietly get into the closets." She says so quietly, that we almost couldn't hear her. We are in the art room so there are many closets.

All of us file in, including our teacher.

A minute later, we hear the door being torn open. Scooting of furniture is heard.

I hear heavy footprints. A loud bang is heard and then the shattering of glass. The girls cover their mouths to prevent screaming. All of us are shaking.

"Put down the gun!" Someone yells. I hear the sound of metal hit the floor.

More heavy footprints are heard, but this time, it sounds like running.


"Is there anybody in this room?" I hear a deep voice say. I hear a door open, but I don't move. "Kids, you are safe" Ms. Andrews says.

I open the door and climb out of the cramped closet. I see Ms. Andrews standing by a cop.

"Come on, let's go to your parents." The  cop smiles. I hesitantly nod.

When I walk out of the classroom, I cringe at the sight of blood and dead students and teachers. I tear up. They weren't as lucky as I was or as my class was.

Then it hits me. Where is Colten? I hope he is alright. I start to panic. What if he isn't ok? What if he was dead, shot, hurt. I just hope he is ok and alive.


When we get outside, I see my mom, dad, gabe, ash, the triplets, and sammy. No Colten.

I quickly run up to them. They all engulf me in a hug. "Thank God you are alright" Mom cries.

"Where is Colten?" I ask. "He hasn't come out yet" dad says and wipes his tears. I never see dad cry.

"Mom! Dad!" I hear someone yell in the distance. I turn away and see Colten. I see my brother, safe and alive, running towards us.

I run towards him and when we meet, I hug him. "I'm so glad you're alright." I say as I cry. "I'm glad that you're alright." He says in the hug.

He pulls away and runs towards the family.
Izzy's pov

When I heard about a shooting at a school, I got a gut feeling. I knew that it was at the twins' school before they even said the name of the school.

Hayes and my kids stood outside of the school with me, waiting for our kids to come outside unharmed. When I saw Shane, I instantly knew that Colten would be alright. He was. Neither of my kids are hurt and they're both alive.

Other families aren't so lucky.

I don't want to go through the feeling of losing one of my kids. I wouldn't be able to live without them. I love them. They are my babies. Every single one of them.

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