Ch 70

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I just wanna take a quick minute to thank you guys. I wanna thank you all for reading my chapters and the support. I love you guys so much! 


Eliza's pov

I am still shaken up about the whole shooting thing. I'm not the one who was in the school at the time. Shane and Colten were. They seem like they are perfectly fine. The hang out a lot more with each other since the incident. 

I get up from my bed. I walk across the hall to Ollie's room. .

His door is open. I see his girlfriend sitting on his bed, but I don't see him. 

"Where is Ollie?" I ask her as nice as I can. "Only people he likes can call him Ollie." She says. "He likes me. I'm his sister." I say in a duh tone. "I guess he hasn't told you yet." She says. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "He told me that he couldn't stand you. He said that he felt bad for you, so he was gonna be nice. He actually hates you." She says. I shake my head. "No he doesn't" I say. 

She just nods. 

"Hey babe." Ollie says from behind me. "Oh, hey El" He says after he kisses her. I grit my teeth. I just turn around and walk out. 

I walk to Noah's room. I knock on his door. "It's open" He says. When I open the door, he is sitting on his bed with his girlfriend. 

"Nevermind." I say and turn around. "Hey!" His girlfriend says. I turn around. "You can talk to him if you want. I'll leave" She says and smiles a genuine smile. "No, it's alright. It's not that important" I shrug. 

When I turn around, I see Ollie standing there. "Hey El, what was that about back there?" He asks. I shrug and try to walk out. He stops me. "Move Oliver." I say through gritted teeth. "No, what is wrong?" He asks. "Why don't you ask the slut" I spit and pull away. I walk to my room and slam the door.  

Zack isn't here right now. He is dropping off Elly at his mom's house.


"Hey baby, you look mad" Zack says walking in. I nod. "What's up?" He asks. "My standards" I joke. He chuckles. "Good one babe." He says. "Now, what is the matter?" He asks me. I explain the whole story. 

"You know that isn't true baby." He says caressing my cheek. I shrug. "Maybe she's right" I sigh. He shakes his head. 

He presses his lips to mine. 

His lips travel to my neck as he leaves a hickey I'm sure. 


When I wake up in the morning, I stretch and check my phone. Zack and I didn't go all the way, because we're waiting on marriage, even though we already have a daughter. He hasn't proposed yet. 

"Morning babe" Zack says in his morning voice. Ugh! It's so sexy. "Morning" I smile. 

"I need a shower" I state. "Me too." He says and sits up. "Do you wanna bathe or shower?" He asks me. "Let's bathe this time" I smile. He nods and gets up.

"Baby the water is warm and ready" Zack says walking out of the connected bathroom. I nod and roll out of bed. Literally roll. "Ouch" I say and rub my left elbow. Zack chuckles. I stand up. 

When I walk into the bathroom, I look into the mirror. I see a huge purple bruise on my neck. I lightly touch it. I wince, due to the slight pain. 

"Whoops. Sorry babe" Zack says from behind me. I shake my head. "It's ok." I smile. 

I undress and join Zack in the water. 


When I finish bathing, I hop out of the tub and wrap a towel around my body. Zack decided to stay in for a bit longer. 

I walk to the counter in my bathroom. I open up my make up drawer and pull out my concealer. I make the hickey to where you couldn't see it. 

I pull my hair into a high ponytail and wash my face. I look towards the bathtub. I see Zack sitting in the water, staring at me. "What are you looking at?" I question. "My beautiful girl" He says. I blush. 

I walk out of the bathroom and into my closet. I put on my undergarments, a flannel, and leggings. 


When Zack and I are both dressed, we walk downstairs, to the kitchen. I see Oliver and his slut. I swallow the lump in my throat. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask Zack. "How about I take you somewhere?" Zack asks. I shrug and nod. 

He grabs his keys and wallet from the counter. I pick my phone up from the island. 

When we walk outside, I shiver. "Brr, it's cold" I say. He nods. "Here are the keys, I'll be right back" Zack says while handing me the keys. 

I start the car and turn on the heat. 

When Zack comes back he has our jackets. He opens the driver's side door and hops in. "Here baby" He says and hands me my coat. "Thanks" I smile and take my jacket. 


When we get to the diner, Zack parks towards the front, so we don't have to walk all that much. 

Zack takes his keys out of the ignition, grabs his phone and coat, and gets out of the car. By the time I had my phone and coat in my hands, Zack already had my door open. 

"What a gentleman" I tease. "well, I want my lady to be happy." He cheeses. I smile and peck his lips once I'm standing. 

He shuts my door and locks the car before wrapping his arms around me. "I love you baby" He says. "I love you too" I smile. 

When we get inside of the restaurant, I sigh in relief as the warm air hits me. "Two?" A waitress asks. I nod. She sits us at a booth. 

"Baby, you make me so happy. You have no idea." I tell Zack. "You make me happy too baby." He smiles. He grabs my hands from across the table. "Dang, your hands are cold" He says and tries to warm them up. 


"Hello, guys I'm gonna be your waiter today. My name is Jake, and-Zack?" The waiter says. Zack looks up. "Oh my gosh! Jake, how are you man?" Zack asks getting up. They hug. "I'm great. How are you?" Jake asks. "Great. My girlfriend and I always come here, how come I never see you?" Zack asks. "I started yesterday." Jake states. Zack nods. 

"My shift ended a few minutes ago, can I join you guys?" He asks. I nod. Jake sits in the opposite side of the booth first, and then Zack joins him. 


After a few minutes, I see Zack's mom, Kara, sit down with Elly. 

"Mom?" Zack asks. "Oh hey guys! I just brought Elly here so we could eat" She chuckles. I nod. I stand up. "Do you mind?" I ask her nodding towards Elly. "Nope. You can actually take her to sit with you guys if you'd like. My husband will be here soon." She smiles. I smile and nod. 

Zack pulls the highchair to our table. I just hold Elly. "Hi baby." I coo and kiss her head. She looks at me with her bright blue eyes. "Mama" She says. I gasp. "Zack, did you here that?" I ask. He nods and smiles. "Her first word." he coos. I nod. Jake smiles. 

"Hey um, Eliza, can we talk?" I hear a voice say from the end of the booth. I look up and see Oliver. 

"Did she not tell you?" I ask. "She told me. I broke up with her. Do you really believe that I hate you?" Ollie asks. "I mean, yeah. We aren't talking as much as we used to." I say and look down. Ollie raises my chin. "El, I could never ever hate you. You're my own flesh and blood. You're my sister for God's sake" He says looking directly into my eyes. 

I hand Elly to Zack. I stand up and hug him. "I love you" I say. "I love you too" He smiles. 



So I need ideas for how I can have Zack propose to Eliza... Any ideas? Comment below or inbox me      :))

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