Ch 17

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Sorry guys... I can not get on younow today. Maybe tmrw. I'm so so so so so sorry. :(

Izzy's pov

3 months later

I am now 4 months pregnant. I am showing a little. I can not wait for my baby to be born. I honestly want a boy.  I am interrupted from my thoughts by Cam coming in. "Hey, how are you?" He asks. "good" I say.  He nods. Ash starts crying. I get up and bring her into the living room with Cam and I. "Caveman!" She says, when she sees Cam, trying to pronounce Cameron. I crack up. "Stoppp laughing  its not funny" Cam whines. "You're right." I say still laughing. "It was hilarious" I add. He groans. "I'm gonna go check on Beth." He says. I nod. Ash smiles at me. 

"Babe I'm home" Hayes calls. I walk up to him after putting Ash on the ground. "You missed it. Ash called Cam Caveman" I say. He nods and walks up the stairs. That's odd. I decide to check on him. I see him laying on the bed playing on his phone. "Are you alright?" I ask him. "Yeah. Just a bad day at work" He says. "Do ya wanna talk about it?" I ask. "No" He says. I nod and walk downstairs. I see Ash laying on the floor. Boy, it's getting dark out and it's only 6. 

There is a knock at my door. I open it to be met with Cam, Beth, the twins, and her little girl (I don't remember if she had another baby so just stick with me) . "Hey. There is a tropical storm coming. You need to get in cover fast, and we're gonna stay with you all, if that's ok" Cam says. "Yeah it's fine." I say. "Hayes. Come down here" I call. "Yes?" He appears at the top of the stairs. Cam explains everything. Hayes nods. I walk to our closet in the living room. I grab some blankets and pillows and hand them to people. Hayes, Ash, and I are sharing, Cam, Beth, and their little girl is sharing, and The twins are sharing. We each get a pillow. I grab some flashlights and some water and head down into the basement.

"It is pouring rain and the wind speed is picking up. Stay in shelter" The weather radio goes off. We are all in a corner of the basement against a wall. Ash just wakes up. "Hey mommy, hi daddy, hi caveman, hi beth, hi Cody, hi Natalie, hi Anna" Ash says. We all laugh. I recorded that. I stand up and look out the window. It's bad out there. I  sit back down and lay Ash on my lap. I lean against Hayes and fall asleep. 


I wake up, still in the same position as last night. Everyone else is still asleep. I stand up and stretch. I look out the window. It looks better, but it's still dark and it's still pouring. I check my phone and see that it's 8 in the morning. Dang. I decide to let the other guys sleep. I walk upstairs. I decide to sit on the porch. I take one step outside. Wow it's cold. I walk back in and grab a blanket off the couch. I walk back outside and sit on the swing that is attached to my porch. I see my neighbor, Ben, is also outside. "Hey neighbor" He calls. "Hi Ben" I say. "Nice weather aye?" He asks . "Yup. The best weather I've seen in hears" I respond sarcastically. He stands up and walks over to my house. He has an umbrella with him. He sits net to me on the swing. "How are you and the baby?" he asks. "Great" I say. "How's Hayes?" He asks. "Good" I respond. "And before you ask, everyone else is good as well" I say when he opens his mouth. Hayes walks out with Ash. "Good morning babe." He says kissing me. "Good morning Ben" Hayes says. Ben says the same. Cam walks out. "Hi caveman!" Ash says. Cam shakes his head and sighs. "Yeah, hi caveman" I say. "Isabella Rose Grier, don't call me that" He says. I laugh. "Ok mom" I say. He shakes his head. I love my family. 

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