Ch 19

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"Time for cake!" Izzy calls. We all file into the kitchen. "On 3" Izzy calls. We all count down. "3" We all say. "2" We all say "1" We say and Izzy pulls off the towel. "I hug Izzy. "Babe we're having-"

Hayes pov

"Babe we're having triplets?!" I say. "Yep" She smiles.  We get a lot of congrats from everyone. My parents walk up to me. Congratulations sweetie" My mom says. "I'm so proud of you." My dad says. My mom was holding Bella. (I think thats what her name is. Too many names to remember) "Can I hold her?" I ask. She nods. Mom gently hands me Bella. "I still remember when I first got to see her. That was almost 8 months ago. (I think) 


I was awaken from my sleep by my phone going off. I sigh and pick up my phone. It's only 3 in the morning! I answer my ringing phone seeing that it's my dad(her real dad). "Hello" I say. "Hey Izzy, sorry to wake you." My dad apologizes. "It's fine, now what do you need?" I ask as kindly as possible. "The baby is coming" He says. "What?! We're on our way" I say. I hang up. "Hayes wake up" I say shaking Hayes. He didn't budge. "HAYES WAKE UP!" I yell. "What?!" He asks in a raspy voice. "My mom's water broke. We've gotta get to the hospital." I say. he nods and stands up. He throws on a shirt, since her was only in sweatpants. I am in sweats and a tank top. I quickly walk into Ash's room and grab her. I also pack a quick bag consisting of a bottle, milk powder, (or whatever it is called) diapers, wet wipes, a pacifier, and a blanket. I also throw in an extra onesie (or however you spell it) just in case something happens. 


We have just pulled into the hospital parking lot. I texted Cam and told him what happened. Once we parked I grab Ash's carrier, which had her in it and Hayes had her bag. I walk up to the desk. "How may I help you?" The young woman, who doesn't look much older than me, asks me. When she look sup t me form her computer her face turns to excitement. I guess she's a fan. "My mom, Angela Mason, has gone into labor" I respond. "Um, she is doing fine, but you can not go into her room. She still has not given birth." She says. "Thank you" I say. "Wait." She says as I turn around. "Yes?" I ask. "I'm a big fan of all of you and all the guys" She says. "Awe, would you like and autograph?" I ask. "please?" She asks. I nod. I set Ash on the desk thingy and sign all of her items. I signed her phone case, back pack, and her picture of all of us on it. I also followed her on twitter and instagram. "Thank you so much. If you want, I can get you a waiting room the is right by your mother's room." She says. "Yes, that would be nice." I say. I motion for Hayes to come over. I explain everything and he signs her items too. I grab Ash and the lady, who I found out is Emma, leads us to the waiting room. 


"Thank you so much. Would you like a picture as well?" I ask. She nods. Hayes, Ash, and I take a picture with her. In the picture I was on one side smiling, Hayes on the other side smiling, and Emma was holding Ash and smiling. "Thank you guys so so much." She says. "Oh and by the way, I was 100% supportive of you guys having a baby at 16/17" She says. "I'm glad y'all had Ash. She is so adorable" She says handing me Ash back. "Thanks so much and you are welcome" I say. We even traded numbers. 


"Hey, are you ready to meet you're little sister?" My dad asks, walking in. "Yes." I say. I pick up Ash's bag and Hayes picked up her carrier. We walked into a room. I saw my mom sitting on the bed holding my little sister. I smile. I walk up to my mom, after setting down the bag. "She's so cute" I whisper. "I know. She looks just like you when you were just born" Mom says just as quiet. I smile. "Do you wanna hold her?" Mom asks. "Yes." I respond. She hands me my little sister. "Her name is Bella Ann. (I think it was Bella Rose, but I changed it) Bella after you, and Ann because I thought it was cute." Mom says lightly. I smile. Bella opens her eyes. She grabs my finger. "Hi Bella, I'm your big sister Izzy." I say quietly. She smiles. Tears come to my eyes. Hayes walks over. "She is so cute" He says quietly. "I know" I whisper. I hand Bella Hayes so he can hold her. 

Flashback over 

I smile down at Bella. She giggles. "Soon, I will have three more little ones running around the house. All of which are boys." I say. "I can not wait for my babies to get here" I say. 



"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain." 


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