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"You are not pregnant" The nurse says. We nod as I feel relief rush over me. 

"I'm glad that i'm not pregnant. I want to wait a bit after the wedding, you know? I want to get settled in with Elly and then try for another." I explain. Zach nods. "I feel the same baby" He smiles. I smile and kiss him. 


"So are you?" Shane asks as soon as she enters the room. "Nope." I smile. "Why are you happy?" She asks. "Well, Shane, Zach and I kinda wanted to wait awhile after our wedding." I just say aloud, since no one else was in the room. 

She nods with a disappointed look on her face. "Awe man. I really wanted another niece or nephew" She frowns. I chuckle. "Don't worry Shane. You'll have one soon. I'll probably get pregnant in the next year, knowing Zach" I chuckle. She nods. 

When the rest of the class comes in, I hand out a paper. "This is your bell ringer, so when you finish, sit quietly or play on your phone" I say. I get a couple groans from the guys. 


When I collect the bell work, I start teaching. "So what doe-" I'm cut off by my phone. "Hello?" I answer. "Honey, your grandfather is in the hospital" Mom says. "What, why?" I ask, getting worried. I look at Shane and then Colten. 

"He tried to commit suicide. Your aunt Bella got there just in time. If she would've gotten there any later, he would've been lost." Mom says crying. "Why would he do that?" I ask on the verge of tears. "Honey, your grandfather is very upset. He loved your grandmother very much and he misses her to the point that he did this." Mom explains. "So you're saying that he is depressed?" I ask. "Y-yeah" She says. 

"I'll take Shane and Colten up there after school." I sigh. "Is there any way that you could come any sooner?" She asks. "Give me a minute to ask the principal." I say. "Ok honey. I love you." She says. "I love you too mom. Bye" I say and hang up. 

"El, what happened?" Shane asks. "I'll explain in a minute." I say. I look towards the door and see Jane (the principal) walking towards the room. 

"Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask her when she opens the door. She nods. I walk out into the hall. 

"Can I leave early with Shane and Colten? My grandfather is in the hospital" I say on the verge of tears. "Of course sweetheart. Go ahead and leave. I'll sign them out." She smiles. "I'll watch the class until we get a substitute." She smiles. I nod and walk back inside. 

"Shane, Colten, pack your stuff up. I'm taking you out of school early" I say. They nod. "Guys, a family emergency came up so we gotta go." I say as I pack up my bag. 


When we get to the hospital, I see mom and the rest of the fam sitting in the waiting room. 

"How is he?" I ask. "Not good. They are doing everything they can to save him." Mom says as tears roll down her cheeks. 


"Are you the family of Gary Mason?" A doctor says, walking out with a clipboard. Mom nods and stands up. "You might want to sit down for this." She says.

"He is in critical condition. He's most likely not going to make it through the night." The doctor says. Mom bursts into tears. 

"Can we see him now?" I ask. The doctor nods. 


We all get to talk to him in private. It's my turn now. 

"Hey grandpa" I say when I see him. "Hi hun" He smiles. "I'm so sorry. I can't live anymore without your grandmother. She was my life and still is" He says on the verge of tears. I nod as I wipe my tears. "I know that I'm not going to make it. I had a dream while I was here. It was your grandmother. She said 'Gary. God has forgiven you. He wants you to join us. I miss and love you so much.' and then left. I woke up and was sweating and panting. I knew what I had to do." He continues. "I would love to stay on earth with you guys, but I know it's my time Eliza. I'm gonna miss you guys so much. I will never forget you and I will always be with you." He adds while he holds my hands in his much larger ones. "Remember this El: I may not be at your wedding physically, but I'll be there. You may not see me, but I'll be there. I could never miss one of your guys' weddings or graduations. I love you so so much." He says. 


Grandpa made it that night. I decided to go to work the next day. 

"What is mater in latin?" I ask my students. "Mother" Shane calls. I nod. "Very good S-" I am cut off by a knock on my door. It soon opens, revealing Ollie with bloodshot eyes. "Oliver? What happened?" I ask, walking to him and engulfing him in a hug. "G-grandpa died" He whispers. I lose it. I break down. I was the closest to him out of my siblings. 

Oliver rubs my back as I cry. "Eliza, Oliver, what happened?" Colten asks, coming up front. I pull away and look at Colten. I bring him into a hug. "I never see you cry." He adds. I pull away, wipe my tears, and call Shane up to the front. 

"There is no easy way to say this, but grandpa passed away" I whisper. They start to cry. Oliver and I hug the both of them as we cry. 

"Is everything alright?" Jane asks from behind us. I pull away and look at her. "Can I-I have Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off?" I ask. "Sure, but why?" She asks. "My grandfather passed" I say as I start to cry even harder. Oliver hugs me. 

"How about you take the rest of the day off too" Jane says as she smile apologetically at me. "You can take the twins home as well" She adds. I nod and thank her. 



Today is my grandfather's funeral. I'm very upset, but I'll get over it. 

"Hey, can we stop by the school real quick. I need to pick up the papers so I can grade them." I ask Zach. He nods. 


When we get to the school, Zach and I both walk in. 

We decide on taking the elevator since I'm in heels. 

I open my door and see my first period class taking notes. 

"Hey Eliza. How've you been holding up?" Jane asks me. I shrug as everyone looks at me and Zach. "You both look very nice" She adds. I smile a fake smiles. "Thanks." I say quietly. "I just came to pick up some papers. I want to grade them and then pass them back on Monday" I explain. She nods. 

I walk to my desk, with the clicking of my heels following me. I grab the papers and before I leave the room, I say "please be good for the substitute. If you are, we'll have a reward day sometime next week. Sound good?" I ask them. I get a response of "yeah","awesome", and "ok". 

I walk out of the room and Zach and I start driving to the funeral. 

I will miss my grandfather so much, but I know that he's a lot happier now, and that he's in a better place. 

Adopted by Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now