Milo and Lily (21)

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-Im writing this chapter while sitting in my kitchen. My kitten was playing and kept attacking my foot. She keeps me entertained. My dog walked into the kitchen and my kitten did like a sideway/backwards run type of thing and almost fell in the dogs' water bowl. It was funny. So, on a different note, have you guys seen Cam's new video? That got to my emotions. Normally I try to hold in my tears and be strong, but While watching this video I was struggling to not cry. After this chapter, I'm gonna hop in the shower and cry because if I cry right now, my siblings will see me and start saying that im a crybaby and will keep bugging me about it till 2022 (not really). That video really got to me and my emotions. You should watch it. - 

Izzy's pov 

"Hello" I answer my phone. "Hey. Can you come over?" Cam asks me. "Yeah." I say. "See you soon" Cam says before hanging up. "Hayes. Gabe" I call up the stairs. "Yeah?" Hayes appears. "What mom?" Gabe asks. "Cam wants us to come over." I say. I pick up Ash and we walk to Cam's house. 


"I have a present for you" Cam says. "Ok" I say. I sit down. "I thought that you needed this" He says and brings in a box. He hands it to me. "Open it" Cam urges me. "You'll love it" Hayes reassures me. "You're in with this too?" I ask. Hayes nods. "I am too" Gabe says. I take the top off of the box. I gasp. In the box is two husky puppies. One has a blue collar and the other has a pink collar. They have identification tags on. I look at the boy's tag. It says Milo. I look at the girl's tag. It says Lily. Milo and Lily. That is adorable. "Who's idea was this?" I ask. Hayes raises his hand. I hug Hayes. "Thank you so so much. I love them" I say. "hey, I helped" Cam says. I stand up and put the box on the ground. "Thanks Cam." I say, hugging him.  "You're welcome" He says. 


I attach the leashes to the dogs. I hand one leash to Gabe and I take the other. Hayes is holding Ash's hand. She can already walk. I say bye to Cam and walk out of his door. Hayes has already bought the things that we will need for the dogs. 


"Gabe, do you have everything you need for school tomorrow?" I ask. "Yes" He says. "Ok. Good. Now go to bed" I say. It was almost 9. "Ok mom" He says and walks up the stairs to his room. Thank you" I call up the stairs. 

"I finally got Ash to sleep" Hayes says walking down the stairs. I nod. Milo and Lily are playing. They keep me entertained. Hayes sits down next to me. "I love you" He tells me.  " I love you too" I say.  


The next day

"Gabe, wake up. It's time for school" I say. He slowly gets out of bed. The school year is only one month in and at the orphanage they home schooled the kids, so today is gabe's first day. 

"Here we are" The principal says when we reach a classroom. Hayes had football. Gabe is wearing a black v-neck and khakis. I'm wearing a peach tank top and black sofees with my black flip flops.I have my hair in a bun while Gabe has his hair spiked in the front.  Gabe is holding Ash. He hands Ash to me. I hand him his supplies. Ash touches my belly. She giggles when she does. I smile. "Baby" She says. I smile. I am due in a month. I look like I'm about to pop. 

We walk into the classroom. "This is your 3rd period class. You will have Mr. Bryan for science." Principal Brown says. The door is in the front of the room so all eyes are on us. "Class, I would like you to meet Gabe Grier" Principal Brown says. A boy walks up to him. he looks nice. "Hi Gabe, I'm Trevor." Trevor says. "Nice to meet you" Gabe says. They walk off. "Class, I'm gonna talk to Mrs. Grier really fast. Continue on your work and Trevor, help Gabe please" Mr. Bryan announces. Dang. He is cute. Wait, what am I thinking, I am a married woman. I set Ash down and she runs over to Gabe. "Ash, go back to mom. I love you" Gabe says. Ash doesn't move. I start walking over to get her, but Gabe stands up and picks her up. He hands her to me. "Thanks gabe" I say. "No problem Mom." He says. I smile. I hug him and he sits back down. I walk into the hallway with Ash. "Hi, I'm Brad, Bryan." Brad says. "I'm Isabella Grier, but you can call me Izzy" I say. "I-izzy, as in Izzy Dallas?" Brad asks. "Yeah?"I say. "It's me. Brad. We dated in 8th grade. I treated you like a piece of crap" He says guiltily. No way. I see it now. I hug him the best I could. "Oh my gosh. Hey Brad" I say. "Look, I'm so so so so sorry for the way I treated you back in middle school."He apologizes. "It's ok, Brad. I forgive you" I say. "No, it's not ok. I was so mean to you. You were the kindest person to me. You treated me with care, while I was all rude to you" He tells me. "It's ok. I don't hold grudges on people. I forgive and forget" I say. He nods. "So, who are you married too?" He asks me. "Hayes Grier" I say. He nods. "I adopted Gabe a few nights ago" I say. "That's nice." He says. I nod. "Who is this little cutie?" He asks. "Ashlynn, but people call her Ash." I say. "Hi Ash" He says to Ash. She giggles. "So I see that you are pregnant" He tells me. "Yep. With three boys" I say.  "Wow." He says. I nod.  "Hey Brad, who is this?" I hear from behind me. I turn around. "Ally?" I ask. "Izzy?" She asks. I hug her. Ally and I were best friends. When we graduated we lost contact. "Hey, I gotta go back in class. It was nice seeing you Izzy" He says. "Can we trade numbers so we can keep in contact?" Bard asks. I nod. We trade numbers. He goes back in class. "Hey, do you wanna come over?" I ask Ally. "Yeah, sure." She says. We trade numbers and I give her my address. 

I get out of the car and unbuckle Ash. I pick her up and see Ally pull into the driveway. She gets out of her car and walks up to me. I see Cam outside. "Hey, Cam wanted Ash today so I'm gonna drop her off." I say. We walk over to Cam. "Hey Camelot" I say. "Caveman!" Ash says. Ally and I laugh. He sighs. He takes Ash from my hands. "You ok? You seem down" I say. He sighs. "Yeah, I just feel depressed. Ash makes me feel better. You do too, but I want you to have some alone time because you won't have much of that when the triplets get here" Cam says. I nod. I hug him. "I love you" i say. "I love you more" He says. "Impossible" I say. 


"Wow, this is a nice house" Ally says. "Thanks" I say. Milo and Lily run up to us. "Aww" Ally says. "The one with the blue collar is Milo and the one with the pink collar is Lily" I say. "Cute names" Ally says bending down to pet the puppies. I nod. We catch up. 

"I really have missed you" Ally says. "I've missed you too." I say. "We for real are gonna hang out when your babies come." She says. "We can now" I say. "Well, I mean, like going to the mall, going to a movie theater, stuff like that" She says. I nod. "Yea, we definitely do"
 I say. "Well, I gotta go. Text ya later" Ally says looking at her phone. "Bye, it was nice seeing you Ally" I say. "You too" She says, letting herself out.  

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