Chapter 2

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Author Note :

Hi guys I hope you liked the first chapter. Yes I am abit disappointed at the few reads but it has only been one day so I hope it will be better.
You will notice I don't go into too much detail with the in ring action simply because we know what happened at each event basically. I will go into more detail when I alter the events to suit the story :)
Hope you don't mind and enjoy, its a short update I know but its abit of a teaser so yeah :)

It had been a pretty hectic week considering that Battleground was on Sunday, but luckily I hadn't seen Brock at all as he never attends live events thankfully but I would see him tonight on Smackdown as it was the contract signing.

"McKenzie are you even listening to me?" Paige's voice broke my train of thought.

"What? Sorry.." she just shook her head and continued eating as we sat in the cafeteria.

"I asked if you were sure that beautifully tight black dress was right for the contract signing considering those things normally turn into a massive brawl , actually I don't think you should even be there!"

"Yeah well I'll get out before shit happens and I put on clothing spray so it shall stick. I just want this to get done so that I can go back to my apartment."

"Im sorry Kenz but you need a life and to get laid!" I stared up at her.

"Don't look at me like that the last time was last year which is way too long"

"I knew telling you that would be a mistake" I chuckled, Paige had become my best friend of sorts ever since I started in the sense that she was my only friend. I was kind of friends with Team Bella in that I greeted when I saw them,the other divas just seemed offish towards me so I just stuck with Paige when I wasn't with The Authority.

"Im serious though you are 22 you need a proper lay not stupid boys who don't even know how to.."

"OKAY !! lets leave Mckenzie's sex life alone please, I know I need a good..." Paige stared past me and I was confused as the cafeteria room was empty but as I turned I saw what or rather who she was staring at.

Brock standing in the doorway with a blank look."Seriously!" I couldn't believe out of all people it was the guy I failed at seducing. "Paige I'll see you later!"

I got up and pushed past Brock and made my way to my locker when I felt my arm being grabbed."So its Mckenzie.."

"Actually its nothing to you!" I spat out and he seemed surprised by my reaction.

"Look about Monday night I .." Did he honestly want to further embarass by bringing it up.

" Don't worry about it, it was stupid I should go before I ruin your whole 'no association' with divas thing" I smiled and walked away .

I felt my hand being grabbed again and as I turned around I saw Paul behind Brock.

He had a confused look plastered on his face. "Brock?" he raised his eyebrow as Brock had turned to him...

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