Chapter 95

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Cold play - Fix you

"...I let a monster into my life"

I whispered as my brother's face briefly softened.

"That's not... Can't you see what I fucking see?"

"What do you see Seth? Because last week you were fine with me being with him again!"

"I wasn't fine I just didn't want to argue with you on your fucking birthday but now this! I have to get a phone call from Dean who I haven't spoken to in who knows how long telling me my sister is sporting a rock and then I'm left confused but what do you know its all over fucking twitter!"

"Wha..." I was cut off as he took his phone from his pocket and showed it to me.

It was pictures from yesterday as it was now morning here. It was Brock and I posing with Jimmy, the fan and another one where Jimmy had been speaking to us and Brock's arm was around my shoulder as I held his hand which also made my ring at a perfect angle for the camera to capture.

I read one of the posts.

"@WWEUniverse : RT @WRESTLINGGOSSIP: It seems Michael COLED it! After months of speculation The Beast and his Beauty were spotted at the opening of Brock Lesnar's favourite restaurant. With Mckenzie 's ring finger being occupied mmmm..... #JJ #supportivesoontobewife #surprisesurprise "

I glanced on the far side of me to check if Brock was even still there as he was unusually quiet.

"And let me guess everyone knew except me as fucking usual" he shook his head.

Even though he had just basically ambushed us at Brock's parents home and I didn't even know how he knew, I felt extremely guilty as I should've told him he had done so much for me and I did this to him like thi...

"You see how quiet he is , cause his probably regretting putting that ring on your finger! He can't deal with..."

"Seth I suggest you fucking shut up cause you will not like what I say if you continue shouting at her!" My Beast finally spoke as he walked over to us and Seth chuckled.

"So you're allowed to shout at her but I can't? You don't have the right to fucking lecture me okay? I have been through more shit with my sister than you have ever..."

"Seth.." I tried to speak but Brock's loud voice overpowered mine.

"YOU'VE GONE THROUGH MORE? Where the hell were you when Eric re appeared at Thanksgiving huh? " He moved closer to Seth.

" Oh that's right you were too fucking concerned about crying like a baby to your parents cause you hated that you didn't know I was fucking her!"

Seth tried to speak again but Brock cut him off as he moved forward causing Seth to reluctantly step back leaving me on the porch alone.

"And where were you when Eric attacked Paige and Kevin and took her away? You were sitting on your fucking couch in fucking Long Island while I was here for her! "

He shook his head as he looked down and then back at Seth.

"While you have been through a lot with her I have been as well, so don't bring me that shit! You don't know half the shit that has happened and I don't need to tell you because I have nothing to prove to the likes of you" he wavered at Seth and then turned to me and pointed in my direction.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now