Chapter 18

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Hi this is a long update so I hope you enjoy it and I figured I would dedicate this chapter to @_itsAngelica_cxx who has been commenting and voting on the recent chapters :) Thank you I appreciate it, oh who watched the slammys? Our beast won 5 SLAMMYS!!! I wish he would've showed but he didn't.. but anyway congratulations to him.

I jumped and turned and he was right in front of me.

"Where's Paige?" he didn't say anything, his eyes trailed over every inch of my body.

He was bare feet with a trackpants on and shirtless, I could smell the soapy scent as he had probably just showered.

I didn't know what to do as a couple of hours ago I had low blowed him and now I seemed to be alone with him. He moved closer and I wanted to step back but the chair prevented me, he still hadn't looked me in the eye. I felt his hands trail up the sides of each of my thighs and I held my breath as his hands went higher and he briefly gripped my naked behind as his hands slipped further under my nighty and then trailed up and gripped my breasts.

He breath in deeply and his hands left me and he shook his head and went to sit at the edge of my bed leaving me flustered briefly. I then walked towards him but a safe distance away and folded my arms.

"Where is Paige?" I raised my eyebrow and he looked up at me.

"She's in her room..." he set his arms on the bed behind him as he leaned back abit, " I told her I needed to speak to you" he shrugged and I rolled my eyes just as I saw him clenching his jaw.

"So you just sent her away? Typical , you think just because everyone's afraid of you , you can just get what you want every fucking time" I wavered in the air.

"So you're afraid of me?" his expression was blank as he asked the question.

"No!" I responded even though I didn't believe myself.

"Now come closer" he smirked and motioned with his hands for me to come to him.

"No Im not afraid and I don't want to be near you!" I saw his face drop for a second but being Brock he recovered quickly.

He breath in deeply and ran his hands over his knees and then looked up at me. "Kenz..."

"Don't Kenz me ! You don't get to Kenz me..." I blurted out.

"You know what? Im fucking sitting here using all my fucking strength not to tear that piece of silk off your body and fuck you cause I want you so fucking bad and now you're saying all this shit to me. How do you want me to react? do you want me to shout at you? do you want me to push you up against the wall? or do you want to get over here and slap me or better yet give me another fucking low blow cause it seems like you enjoyed doing that" he spoke calmly but I could see his restraint was wearing weak.

I stood there dumbfounded at his bluntness and I cursed my cheeks for blushing at what he said. I rolled my eyes and I didn't even know why I did it. I think I was buying time to think of something to say , but what he said threw me off guard and I finally took in his body as he sat on my bed.

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