Chapter 86

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"I'M COOOOOOMING!!!!" I called out as I had just stumbled out of bed thanks to my annoying doorbell waking me.

Bed which was filled with boxes of chocolate I had stored away just for a rainy day which had been the past two days.

I had heard nothing from my beast and had accepted that he wasn't coming back to WWE which meant I would have to figure out what to do.

I had watched Raw in hopes of seeing him, Stephanie had said there would be a Triple Threat at Fast lane but since neither Brock nor Paul were there I figured she was hoping he would come back just as I was as they needed him.

I realized it was Wednesday , I didn't know how I had forgotten as I opened the door..


I stood shocked as Paige held a huge chocolate cake in her hands and my brother, Kevin and Kane stood behind her with three wrapped gifts .

I couldn't help but laugh and move aside as they walked in and Paige set the cake on the kitchen counter.

I was so glad that I hadn't worn one of Brock's merch tees to bed last night.

He left most of them here his last visit and I wasn't planning on returning them.

"Let me guess you forgot your own 23rd birthday!" Paige rolled her eyes and I nodded.

"Told you guys! You can leave my $300 on the counter" she called back as she dragged me into my room before I could properly greet the others.

"You shower! I pick the clothes! Hurry up!" She pushed me into the bathroom.

"You know I tried getting a hold of Brock but his phone was off.." Paige said as she made up my bed while I dressed.

"I mean I thought I would find him here but his clearly not which is good since your brother and Kane are here but considering the amount of chocolate it seems you have consumed .. am I missing something?"

I sighed and sat down on my now made bed after two days of me drowning in it.

"You aren't missing anything, his at home and I'm here and he probably does not want to be disturbed that's all" I shrugged.

"One would think since he hates being away from you, he wouldn't want to miss your birthday.."

I ran my fingers over the bedding.

"He doesn't know.. does he?" I could feel her eyes on me.

"Well no.. and don't look at me like that! It hasn't come up and well I obviously forgot.."

"Something is definitely up, this is the second week you're without him besides the shows and its just weird cause normally you go with him and.."

"Let's not keep the others waiting!" I stood up and headed out while she shot daggers at the back of my head.

" Happy  birthday to McKenzie... happy birthday to yoooou

We hit our beer bottles together and I blew out the three candles.

"Getting old sis!" Seth teased and I raised my middle finger as I stood up and walked over to Kane to hug him as it had been insanely long since I last saw him.

"The cake is courtesy of Caryn's recipe but Paige made it so we can't really trust it. " He smiled.

"Shut up! I am a great fucking baker!" She kicked him and then began cutting the cake, handing us each a piece as I sat down next to Kane.

"So I hear you are back with Brock.." My brother spoke slowly as he sat down on the arm of the couch.

I realized I needed another couch in my apartment but it was so small..

"What? " I registered what he had said.

"Well I didn't actually hear anything but that reaction.. so I'm assuming everyone here knows"

"Don't look at me, Paige keeps me updated" Kane shrugged.

"Well not anymore!" Paige's voice was filled with annoyance due to being blamed.

"I hate that I'm left out of the loop" Seth sighed as he drank his beer.

"Well you don't exactly like him so.." Kevin began but was cut off.

"And you do?"

"Well yeah his cool.." Kevin shrugged even though they were close.

"Hey I don't have a problem with him either , he just needs to not feel threatened by McKenzie possibly falling for me" Kane teased and I hit his shoulder and laughed.

"You guys have all clearly accepted this craziness, but I guess because its your birthday I'll have to deal with it. Whether I like it or not.."

"Thanks I guess.." I sighed as I took a huge bite of cake which really wasn't so bad.

"I still can't believe HHH is fucking champion!" Paige rolled her eyes. "Justin Bieber did you know?"

"Who ... oh fuck you and no I didn't although it was pretty smart." He smiled slightly.

" Of course you would think so " Kevin sneered as he took a second helping.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Seth raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing Seth McMahon!" He laughed and all of us joined in.

"I don't think beer and cake for brunch was a good idea" I laughed and I heard Paige's phone going off.

She simply checked it, "Yeah it wasn't ,come on guys we need to go!"

She stood up and Kevin and Kane looked at her strangely but stood up as well.

"You guys can go I'll..." Seth began but Paige wasn't having it.

"You're coming with us !" Paige tugged on his shirt and pulled him along.

They pulled me into a hug and said their goodbyes as they left.

"Enjoy your birthday Kenzie" Paige hugged me again and I smiled as I saw them enter the elevator and then closed the door.

I doubt eating the rest of the cake and watching movies all day were her definition of enjoying but those were my plans.

I had been staring at the blank TV for the past 15minutes as I gave up on trying to decide on a movie and just dug into the cake .

I heard the doorbell and realized my brother didn't like the fact that Paige had chased him out and most likely came to annoy me.

I hopped off the couch and licked some chocolate off the spoon as I opened the door and I was greeted by brown eyes and definitely not the brown eyes I was expecting .

I accidentally dropped the spoon as I was too confused and shocked.

Brown eyes????

Who could it possibly be?????

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