Chapter 15

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"So you haven't spoken to him since last week it doesn't mean that he has forgotten about you!" Paige smiled as she snuggled into my bed in our hotel room.

"Well he hasn't contacted me at all, he has a fucking phone..."

"Has he phoned you before?"

"No but..." she held up her hand.

"But nothing! You are overthinking things which you always do you silly girl! Come on get into a shower and go speak to your bro okay?"

I sighed and nodded.

"You summoned me brother?" I walked into Seth's hotel room as he was lying on the couch in sweats.

He smiled once he saw me, " I have missed my lil sis obviously" he pulled me into a hug.

"I thought you didn't need me" I whispered and he let go.

"Look I'm sorry I was just under a lot of pressure sis, you have to understand.. But luckily Mark has taken that weight off now Brock is his problem" he laughed and I smiled.

"So you forgive your big bro for being an ass" I rolled my eyes and hugged him.

"You're always an ass but yes I do"

"Good! Let me just hop in the shower and I'll drive us to the arena" I nodded.

"Im glad you idiots sorted things out" Paige rolled her eyes as she joined us in the cafeteria.

I just had on my shorts and Seth's merch tee as I wasn't really working.

"I know Kenz is such a pain in the ass!"Seth cringed and I hit his arm.

"Oh Im getting all the blame now" I raised my eyebrow at Seth and he just nodded.

We had been sitting for an hour just joking around and it had felt good.

I had zoned out of the conversation when I felt Paige elbow me while Seth was on his phone and I followed her eyes to Brock who had just entered with Paul.

I was about to look away but it was too late as he had seen me and his eyes burned into mine.

He smiled and made his way over, and I felt my cheeks burning.

Im pretty sure he hadn't noticed my brother or perhaps he didn't care. I could see Paul getting annoyed at Brock but Brock didn't care as he eventually reached me and gave Paige a nod.

He leaned down, "Hey I need to tell you something.." he whispered into my ear and then crouched next to me.

"What?" he gave Paul a look and Paul walked to the other side of the cafeteria.

"You still sound upset.." he raised his eyebrow.

"Wow you actually noticed this time, usually you just ignore it but I guess that's only cause you cant fuck me now"

He chuckled and shook his head and massaged my thigh with his hand , "Are you trying to provoke me Kenz.."

"No... believe it or not Brock your dick isn't all that I think about" I whispered.

He smiled and kissed my cheek briefly and stood up.

"I wouldn't lie to myself if I were you.." he gripped my hand, "Come on I need to talk to you.." he tugged on my hand.

"Why the hell do you want to talk to my sister!" I heard Seth as he mustve finally looked up from his phone and saw.

Brock was taken offguard by him I could tell, "Its none of your business! Come on Kenz"

I stood up."Kenz what the hell is going on here?"

Seth stood up and walked over to us."You don't need to answer him Kenz! He treats you like shit now he wants to act all macho when..."

"Shit you are fucking him aren't you? No wonder you were so fucking worried about him telling me to fucking stop that night!"

Brock turned to look at me, "Oh you didn't know if it wasn't for her you probably wouldn't have been working right now!"

''Seth...." I sighed as I had just sorted things out with my brother and I didn't want to mess things up with him again.

"Sis, do not fucking waste your time with him, his just fucking you to provoke me and..."

"What did you just say?"Brock let go of my hand and moved closer to my brother.

"Brock please just..."

"Wow fuck her a couple of times and she can order the beast around daaaamn if I had known I would've pawned her off a long..."

Brock punched him immediately and then jumped on him and began beating him. Seth brought his knee up against Brock and Brock fell back against my legs.

"You think you can fuck my little sister just like that to get back at me huh?"

Seth moved towards us and that's when Brock pulled his leg causing Seth to fall back and Brock threw punches yet again.

"Brock! His my brother please!" they were both pretty messed up and continuing that was until The Authority pitched up and pulled them apart.

"What the hell is going on here?" Stephanie glared at them.

"Who started this, I want to know now!" the tears were streaming down my face as I saw both my brother and Brock covered in blood.

"My husband asked a question... Mckenzie do you know who threw the first punch?"

"What?" I croaked out as everyone was now staring at me including my brother and Brock.

"Sis just tell them the truth.."

Seth smiled as he removed the blood from his lip and I knew why he said it as Brock was the one who through the first punch. I turned to Brock and he looked at me expectantly and I ignored it as I needed to protect my brother regardless of him having his moments he was my brother and the champion he couldn't be caught in scandals.

Brock was used to getting into brawls, "Brock threw the first punch.."

I looked down as I said it.

"You have got to fucking be kidding me right now!" Brock chuckled as I could feel him glaring at me.

"Alright then come on Brock.." I heard Stephanie as they walked away.

"Thanks sis I'm glad you decided to..."

"Fuck off!" I immediately walked away.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang