Chapter 92

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"That kid is so fucking lucky I'm in a good mood or I would've given him a first class trip to Suplex City"

"Yeah well good mood or not I think you should've just given him what he asked" Paul shrugged and I sighed.

" I have my reasons.. I'll see you later.." I said as we walked to the locker room.

"So now that you have put a ring on McKenzie's finger I no longer have a locker?" He rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"You're never in the locker anyway .. "

"Yeah yeah.. I'm glad you did it though.. now there is no more doubting for either of you"

"Definitely not.." I smiled.

"I would have liked to know before hand you know?"

"I didn't even know I was going to.."

"You had a ring made Brock.. doesn't sound like a man who randomly woke up on the day and was like today I am going to propose ..." he rolled his eyes and I chuckled.

"I meant I knew I was going to propose I just didn't know I was going to do it last week but everything was fast paced.. You know how fucking impatient I am and the guy had the ring made in one day"

I shrugged as one glare to the guy made him agree that he would get it done by the next day.

"Now I'll see you later" I repeated again as I opened the door and he shook his head and walked on.

I was happy to find McKenzie alone , sitting on the steel chair watching the replays of my segment, she looked up as she heard the door shut .

She had only come to Raw tonight as she wanted to be here to tell her friends about the engagement while I was more happy that she had merely come with as I didn't want to be away from my fiance.

The real reason I hadn't given into Dean's demands was because of the fact that he was the reason Eric went off on McKenzie and I was afraid that me hurting him would trigger something in her and that didn't sit well with me so I played it cool instead.

"What happened out there?" She questioned me as I slowly walked over to her.

"Paul delivered a promo.. I stood there waiting patiently so I could get back to you.. The usual"

I saw her blush at my words and I fought a smirk as I held a blank face.

I noticed she blushed when I said certain things I just wished I knew what exactly I could say to see the red flush on her cheeks that only appeared when I did or when I was inside her.

"You know what I'm referring to Brock.." She sighed .

"I don't need to make an example of every smart kid trying to provoke me baby"

"I guess.. But he did get in your face pretty good, just expected my fiance to go beast mode" she shrugged and stood up and wrapped her hands on the nape of my neck.

"You want beast mode?" I raised my eyebrow and she stared at my lips and I knew where her mind was .

"Well?" I pressed and she surprised me by ignoring it.

"Why didn't you tell me you would be getting new merchandise? I like it its .."

"Your favourite colour .." I smirked and I saw the surprise on her face.


I cut her off as I leaned down and kissed her. I sat down onto the steel chair she had occupied before, pulling her legs on either side of me.

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