Chapter 50

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"So how was your thanksgiving?"

It had been a week since Kenz had been back on the road and this was the first time I got to see her as we had been on separate tours.


She shouted out and I raised my eyebrow as we walked to our rental car , we would luckily be travelling together again.

"You really don't want to know!" I laughed briefly as I unlocked it and we settled in the car.

"Which means I really do want to know!" I started the engine and she began spilling like I knew my best friend would.

"Luckily Brock decided he wanted me more and he saved me from Eric... Just seeing him after all this time was terrifying and .."

I couldn't believe everything she was telling me. I mean I had had a busy week as well but while mine was kinda good, hers was just bad and I mentally began killing that idiot for showing up although it was kind of hard due to me not knowing how he looked.

I realized she hadn't said anything as she was still probably scared just thinking about it.

"Im seriously glad that Brock was with you though!" I said honestly, and to break her out of her thoughts.

"So that means you told him everything ?"

"Basically" she shrugged and I wanted to figure out what her definition of 'basically' was but I decided it was best to wait for another time.

"I cant believe Seth though, I mean I know he might've been pissed because of you dating Brock but to go off on you in front of your parents when he knows how much you dread being with them."

I would have to find Seth and hit some sense into him again, I swear he could be so fucking stubborn sometimes.

"I'm not really concerned about that, you know him. He gets upset , lashes out , but he always apologises and is there for me when it counts. He just doesn't get Brock, his afraid .... But he shouldn't be" she sighed and I didn't comment further as I knew where Seth was coming from as well.

Its how I first felt when I heard her speaking seriously about her relationship with Brock but unlike dickhead Seth I didn't turn my concern into anger.

"You know what the messed up thing is though?" I spoke up after awhile as I realized something.

"What?"I could feel her eyes on me as she turned to me.

"He went off on you for being with Brock thinking his going to hurt you because of the way he is, when the actual guy who hurt you was the one who you'd expect to be harmless"

"Yeah the irony..."she leaned back into her seat and I nodded.

"How was yours though?" She asked after abit."Great! Kev spent it with my family and it was fun" I smiled and she was about to say something when I cut her off.

"Kev proposed..."

"WHAT?" she looked frantically between my hand that clutched the steering wheel and me.

"You didn't say yes?"

"God no! I'm not ready but we are still together I love him and all , just not ready for that you know?"

I smiled thinking about how panicked I was when he asked but he understood me and he wasn't mad or anything at all.

"You're too much of a free spirit to be tied down.." she smiled and I nodded in agreement .

"Exactly! What would you do if Brock proposed though?" I blurted out and I saw her eyes widen.

"Seriously? We've only been together for a month or so...."

"Unofficially you have been together for about five or six months and these days that's long enough for people!"

I knew that Brock didn't waste time proposing to his ex Rena, but I wasn't going to mention that. I knew she didn't know about it as she wasn't one to really Google shit .

"I highly doubt it..." she said and her voice was low with disappointment and I was surprised as it sounded like she wouldn't mind if he did.

"Why? I mean before I would've never thought it but from everything you have told me and the way he looks at you I wouldn't be surprised.."

I shrugged as the way he acted with her genuinely surprised me. I could see the love in his eyes and something told me she was oblivious to it.

"And how does he look at me?" she raised her eyebrow as we entered the elevator.

"You have got to be fucking joking Kenz!" she shook her head.

I walked out onto our floor and immediately opened our hotel room door and waited for her and we sat on the couch.

"How blind can you be? That man is smitten! That night in the bar alone I could see it, the way he was following you like a lost puppy until you gave in. The way he looked at you as we spoke while he spoke to Kev.."

"Paaaaaige.."I held a finger to her mouth to shut her up, "and when you spoke to him and he'd lean closer and stare into your eyes like you were the only one there! I notice everything and I know for a fact he is crazy about you and you should realize that"

I said confidently as even if Brock didn't even realize it she had him wrapped around her little finger."He said he loved me, well we said we loved each other.." I smiled brightly.

"BUUUUUUT ever since then he changed and the last time I saw him it was just sad I don't know I mean we didn't really fight but it was off, he didn't even want to sleep with me. I don't know I think he regrets saying it or something."

I sighed as I immediately felt bad for rubbing in his looove for her when she had that on her mind.

"Maybe he got some bad news or something , don't over think shit Kenz.. Have you spoken to him since he left for Canada?" she shook her head.

"Steve Austin sent me a pic of him marinating the poor animal they caught last week and I saw Brock in the background with a couple other guys but that's it..."

I was a bit lost as too why Steve was texting her , I mean I knew they had become good friends due to her hanging out with him and Mark backstage and during some photoshoots but didn't think they were texting buddies.

" When Steve and I met he was pretty cool and he was speaking about hunting and he was joking saying he wouldn't get to go this year as his wife wanted him home.So I told him I would face time her and do my best to convince her and he sent it to me showing I had . She's a lovely woman" she shrugged.

"Does Brock know you're texting him?"

"I don't think so, he doesn't have too its not a regular thing besides Steve is just random that's all, but I cant help but wish Brock would be sending me snaps and texting me but that's not him so Im left here waiting for his grand return like everyone else.."

I reached over and pulled her into a hug and immediately thought of something but that would have to wait awhile before I could do it.

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