Chapter 36

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"I don’t get how this is our…woah”

I found Brock sitting on the arm of the couch in a jeans, shirt and blazer.

“Woah is the right word” he smirked looking at me up and down, I had on the white dress I had bought for our last date with a black jacket and black heels matching his black look a bit.

I walked in between his legs and slipped my hands around his waist beneath his jacket.

“I still don’t get how this is a first date we went out before..”

“That was horrible, I know you don’t want to tell me that but it was. Besides me teaching you how to play pool of course” he smirked, “I was just fucking nervous and hadn’t thought things through but this is our last night together before..”

“Before you abandon me to go on your hunting trips!” I ran my hand over his beard.

“You’re abandoning me by wrestling” he chuckled and I rolled my eyes and kissed him.

I felt him standing up as he broke the kiss and gripped my hand. “Come on lets go…”

“So where exactly are we going?” I looked up at him as we walked on the streets of the city.

“Just a small restaurant two more blocks down have some great pasta “ he shrugged.

“And you know this city so well even though I have had you in my bed the last two weeks!”

“The day I left … “ he frowned at the memory. “I went walking and found it and just had a beer and watched a football game by myself” 

“mmm football game sounds familiar” I teased as I had my arms wrapped around myself as we walked.

“You have my full attention tonight baby especially in that fucking dress” I rolled my eyes as the restaurant soon came into view.

The lady who led us to our table was very intimidated by Brock I could tell , and she looked like she couldn't believe little old me was with this beast. If Brock didn’t hate PDA I would’ve definitely kissed him just to show her not to judge but I couldn’t instead I smiled as we sat down in a corner table and Brock ordered.

I was busy getting my napkin ready when I felt my chair move and realized it was Brock pulling my chair next to his.

“Really Brock?” I looked at him as I leaned my head on my hand as my elbow rested on the table.

“You were to far baby! I don’t want nosy shits hearing our conversation this way only you can hear me” He shrugged and I was tempted to kiss him as his lips were merely inches from mine, but knew I shouldn’t. The waiter appearing with our food and wine was a sign and he set it down and we began eating as soon as he disappeared.

“Hows the pasta?” Brock asked as he reached for his wine and I swallowed my bite.

“Its delicious!” I smiled and continued eating and he surprised me by giving me a brief kiss on my cheek before finishing off his pasta.

I glanced over at him and he was focusing on his meal unaffected by what he just did and I just rolled my eyes even though I knew he didn’t know.

Brock finished a few seconds before me and sat back as I heard his phone vibrate and he immediately switched it off as I took my last bite and he then turned to me. I raised my eyebrow at his now dead phone placed on the table.

“It was Paul about some promo I have to do, not important” he turned to me and moved closer.

I wanted to question him further but I didn’t feel like getting into an argument over Paul even though I wanted him to accept me as he was basically Brock’s best friend.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now