Chapter 47

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"Come on" I lifted her into my arms and grabbed the food and her bag as I locked the truck.

I felt her hands wrap around my neck and her bury her face in my chest. I handed the keys to the valet as I entered the hotel.

As soon as we entered our room I set the things and her down and looked down at her as I held onto her waist. I knew I shouldn't have wanted her to talk now but I had so many questions after what happened.

"Look I know this isn't the right time but who was that?" she sighed and walked over to the couch and sat down and I joined her.

"His name is Eric.. I met him in early January last year while I was at some club . I cant even remember why I was there. He was funny, charming..." she shook her head.

" I fell for him and we dated but three months in, I got to know who the amazing man really was. We had been out with Seth but Seth had brought Dean and Roman along. Dean was a bit too friendly with me, kissing my cheek or winking at me which was how he normally was with everyone so I didn't even take note of it. However I saw how upset Eric got and I overlooked it as him just being jealous . However that night when we went back to his apartment. The first thing he did was shove me to the floor and punch me because according to him I was dressed like a slut as I wanted Dean to notice me because Dean was famous while he was just a waiter..."

Just picturing her laid out on the floor bruised because of him made me want to find him and kill him but I realized I was just like him jealous to the point of violence.

"So he felt about Dean how I felt about Kane?" I whispered and she looked into my eyes and moved closer.

"No Brock you are nothing like him. Yes you get jealous but would you ever hit me? No!"

She was right I wouldn't hurt her and I wouldn't let anyone else hurt her either.

"I wish I had gotten out there sooner so he wouldn't have been able to do this.." I caressed her cheek as she leaned into my hand.

I was glad I was able to comfort her, that she wasn't pushing me away.

"Its fine, now we're the badass couple" she smiled slightly and I couldn't help but chuckle briefly and lifted her onto my lap so that she straddled me.

I looked over her body to make sure there weren't any other bruises and that's when I saw the bruise on her arm where his hand had been. I instantly tensed and that's when I heard her voice again.

"My name is Stacy.." I looked up at her.

"My name is Stacy McKenzie Rollins... When I joined the company with Seth I decided to use my second name as the other one just felt tainted.."

I nodded slowly as I understood why she did it.

"He said you were his fiancé..." she sighed and placed her hands on my chest and I was afraid as too what she would say.

"I was.. Uhm one night, well the last night... Seth came home early from a tour and Eric had returned. Seth and I shared a house at the time and when he came home he found me beaten as I sat on the stairs. We had changed the locks and everything before Seth left for the tour but yeah I messed up... So as Seth was talking to me I didn't even.. I didn't even know Eric was still there and next thing I knew Seth was knocked out. Eric immediately began apologising as usual and then popped the question, I said no and then he got angry. He threatened Seth's life and I simply agreed and he took me with him before Seth woke up . He had taken me to his apartment but I guess he wasn't thinking clearly as Seth had been there before and knew the location. Seth came an hour later and beat the shit out of him, grabbed me and we left."

"When you said you had crappy relationships I didn't even think it could be like that and even after I overheard Seth talking about a therapist I didn't.."I trailed off recalling how I overheard their argument about it.

"That was how I got out of last year's Thanksgiving Dinner, I didn't realize how badly hurt I was until Seth got me in his car." She shrugged.

"While I was still training , I used to have these flashes and that's when Seth decided I needed therapy but it didn't help . I couldn't talk to some stranger so I just stopped going but that's why I owe Seth everything. He wasted so much time protecting me , blaming himself..."

Her tears began falling yet again and it tore me apart inside seeing her like this, the strong woman I had come to know, the one who stood up to me most of the times like no one ever tried to seemed so vulnerable and broken. I pulled her face towards mine and leaned my forehead against hers.

"I was so afraid you would leave me with him tonight cause the things he was saying.."

"I was confused yes and thought you might've been two-timing me but I still wasn't going to leave you. I was going to get your ass over here and let you know that his nothing compared to me" I shrugged as I meant it and she burst out laughing which surprised me.

"His definitely nothing compared to you Brock. There was a time I thought you were but unlike him I knew who you were immediately , this beast.. you don't hide who you are and I even thought about how maybe I'm attracted to the same type of man but his not in your league. He's seriously nothing compared to you, no one is.. that's why I would never be able to "two-time" you because there's no one else who could make me trust them like I trust you at this point. I've only had my brother and Kane who is like a brother to me all this time and then you..."she was struggling to go on and I was so happy to hear her finally say those words that she trusted me that I couldn't stop myself.

"McKenzie..." I wiped her cheeks as my forehead remained against hers.

"I love you"

"What?" she whispered and I realized what I said.

"You heard me baby..." I smirked and she remained quiet.


Even as I said her name I wasn't sure if I should call her that but I did as she was too quiet I don't know what I expected either way , but I guess I expected nothing as I wasn't planning on telling her at all.

I felt her hands cover mine and she pulled them off her face and leaned back and I raised my eyebrow, "I need to...I need a minute..." she mumbled and I was confused but nodded and she immediately got off and headed into the bathroom.

I soon heard the shower running and realized everything today was too much for her and I just added that fucking shit onto it.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن