Chapter 54

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"You are so fucking stupid, why do you think you only have that fucking brother of yours huh?" his voice boomed in his apartment.

"Nobody else will love you, nobody!"

I didn't bother saying anything I was in too much pain and I was worried about Seth which we had left knocked out cold at the house.

" You see that ring on your finger, it means I love you and sure I'm a little bad with my temper but I'm all you got, no one else wants you that's why you'll be with me forever.. say it!"

"Nobody will ever love me except you" I was used to this, he said it each time after he hit me to make himself feel better and me worse I guess.

"Louder Stace! I want you to realize that..." he gripped my throat and that's when I heard a loud bang and saw Seth burst in through the door.

"Nobody will..."

I breath out as I slowly woke up and I realized I was staring into a chest, Brock's chest, and I hoped he hadn't heard anything.

"Nobody will what?" I heard his voice and looked up and saw his head resting on the pillow as he looked down at me.

"No.. nothing.."he frowned and his arm left my waist and wiped my cheek and I realized I had been crying.

"Are you going to tell me what goes on in that head of yours when you're asleep?" he whispered and I remembered where we were.

"Brock what are you doing here?" I sighed and he pulled me closer to him.

"I was freezing..." he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"You have a heater in your room, I know because Steve told me. If you wanted to stay here, you could have but you didn't want me so you have your own bed"

I sat up out of his grasps and he gently pulled my arm.

"So you're going to be mad this entire trip when I'm the reason you're here?"

I turned to face him."You were the reason I came, but not the reason I'm staying. You don't want to be associated with me cause you're too proud or whatever to admit to your friends that you're fucking..wait not fucking actually be.."

I was cut off as he kissed me hard. I pushed against him as I was done with him leaving me frustrated and feeling desperate.

"Don't fucking continue speaking.." he breath against my lips and kissed me again.

I wanted to kiss him back, but he had hurt me so I pushed against his chest and that's when I heard my door opening.

"What the... Brock get the fuck off her!" I hear Steve's voice as he slammed my door shut and heard Brock curse against my lips.

"Don't tell me what to fucking do!" He stood up and glared at Steve.

"Well when you're fucking forcing yourself on my friend then I can say something!" Steve walked towards him.

"Forcing? It isn't forcing when she's...." he looked over at me and he couldn't continue.

"Steve its fine, I think he's just frustrated with all of you guys here and the first girl he sees.."

I smiled, "I'm going to take a shower and you two just stop . If you're going to keep arguing I'll just go home"

"No you wont and Brock was out of line. You're too nice sometimes .." I sighed and hugged him and avoided Brock's gaze I would've loved to hear what he was going to tell Steve since he wouldn't say I was his but I was just fed up with it .

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum