Chapter 6

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I was running back and forth from rope to rope in the deserted gym which made me realize that Brock had probably closed the place for the day.

I was wearing a black short gym shorts with a crop tank top that hung tightly around my sports bra and hung loosely just alittle below revealing my tummy.

I had begun boxing abit, I was going abit crazy on it. I was pretty hungover earlier in the day and only woke up at 1pm and I'm pretty sure it was just after two right now. I realized that Brock hadn't said what time I should meet him but I figured I would train until I was done regardless of if he came or not.

I was just about to deliver another blow when I felt someone's hands grip my waist , I could feel his chest pressed against my back and his breath on my neck. "swing your hips more with each hit it will give you more control and power"

I immediately took off my gloves and his hands still had a grip on my waist, I didn't say anything because I couldn't I just wanted him more than anything. He spun me around so that we were close but not close enough , he was wearing his usual track pants and sweater.

"I didn't think you were going to show?" he broke out in a small smile.

"I came to learn that's all" I shrugged and he chuckled , he then let go of me and walked over to the ring and jumped in.

"Well come on lets get that learning on" I rolled my eyes and slid into the ring.

We had been going at it for about half an hour; kicks, punches, flips , jumps and through it all Brock was abit too touchy but I just pretended not to notice.

"Wanna give me a suplex?" he breath out with a smirk.

"And break my back? I think not!" I fell back into the corner of the ring and begun retying my hair.

He took off his sweater with one arm and then walked over to me so fast by the time I was done with my hair I realized I was cornered.

"Well you have demolished my back with your fingernails" as he pressed his body against mine I could feel his bulge press against me.

I slapped him, "You are fucking sick!" he didn't even flinch even though there was now a red mark on his cheek.

"Im sick cause I find you attractive?" I could feel my cheeks burning but even then I just rolled my eyes and hopped up onto the turn buckle and jumped out onto the side of the ring.

I got into the ring as he turned around, "I came here to learn not get harassed"

"Oh that's what its called now?" he chuckled which just made me even more upset.

"Yes it is after I was almost killed by you!" I spat out and his face dropped.

"It was an accident!" he reached for my leg as he began wrestling with me again.

"Was attacking Kane an accident as well?" I asked as I had him in a headlock, he got out of it easily.

"You fucking kissed him!" he spat out and I jumped on him and he fell back on the mat.

I was straddling, "and you fucked Summer!"

"What? No I didn't , you're the only one I've..."

"Besides your wife?" I spat out and jumped off of him and left the ring. I head him behind me as he followed.

"What does she have to do with this?"
"I didn't know that you had one" I shouted back.

I entered the locker room and began packing my other clothes in my bag as I was done . He sat down next to my bag which was on the bench, "You seriously didn't know?"

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat