Chapter 19

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“I didn’t want to say it like that but I had it drawn up a month or two ago and we signed it and got everything finalized while I was out.”

I was speechless, it was not what I was expecting at all. I could feel him tensing against me but I didn’t have any idea of what I wanted to say. “I thought things were complicated”

“It was Kenz.. but I just knew it was time, I was expecting a different reaction..” he tried to smirk .

“Im just not sure what I'm suppose to be saying. I want to be happy and feel better about this.. but I don’t want to be insensitive cause you shared 10years with her so I'm not exactly sure what you want my reaction to be Brock”

“ I want you to understand what this means for us..” he whispered and I could see him struggling to say it.

I wanted to question him on whether he did it because of me but I knew it wasn’t the time.
I didn’t understand what it meant for us was I his girlfriend officially or .. I just didn’t know but I felt relieved that I wouldn’t have to over think with regards to Rena anymore.

“Can you say something..” he whispered and I realized I had drifted, I looked up into his eyes which were searching mine.

I don’t know what came over me but I lunged forward and kissed him immediately and I could feel him smirk against my lips.

I pressed my body down onto him and he groaned as his fingers slid underneath the silk fabric and travelled higher up my waist and I rocked over his bulge. He broke the kiss and glared at me and then went down to my neck and sucked on my skin.

My hands went to his chest traced over the clawed marks I had left and I then gripped the waist band and he looked up at me, “Arent you still so…”

“I don’t care I want you right now!” he smirked and then pushed my back down onto the bed and within seconds I felt him slip into me slowly . He stared into my eyes as he began picking up the pace, I wont lie I was regretting this round a bit as I was pretty sore from last night and him going fast didn’t help but he was happy and so was I. I felt sort of relieved as he was mine whatever that meant in Brock terms .

“You are not my whore you know that right?” he repeated it again and I was caught off guard by what he said and nodded and he immediately kissed me again.

I woke up as I heard pounding on the door, I realized Brock wasn’t with me but the shower running let me know he was in there. I didn’t know what happened to my nighty after the second round and I was stark naked.

I grabbed the towel from the chair and wrapped it around me as I didn’t feel like picking a whole outfit from my luggage as it was probably just Paige or Kane.

I tied my hair up and then left the bedroom and went for the door and Paul was the last person I expected to see.

“Where is he?” he looked annoyed and well I did not like him that much as he loved referring to me as a slut.

“Where is who?” I asked seriously as if the beast was not in my hotel room's shower.

“You know very well who I am…” he raised his voice but he didn’t scare me if it had been Brock though. ..

“Actually I don’t because ‘he’ could be anyone!” I raised my voice as well.

“Oh yes you are right I'm sorry I forgot about all the different guys you have in here every…” I immediately slapped him.

“Do you have any idea what you just did by assaulti…”
“What the fuck is going on here?” Brocks voice boomed in the room as I turned and saw him in his trackpants.

“She slapped me!” Brock turned to me clearly amused as I could tell by the smirk on his face.

“He was being an ass” I shrugged , had Brock been glaring at me I probably wouldn’t have acted so nonchalant.

“You are just going to let her get away with it? You said you would be at lunch , the fucking guy left cause you didn’t pitch and obviously you would be here with HER..”

“Just call him and tell him we’ll be at his office in 30min and I don’t wanna hear another fucking word!” I headed into the room as I didn’t feel like Paul anymore at all and Kane and Paige would be expecting me soon.

I was just about to head into the bathroom when I heard Brock.
“Look I have to go” he walked towards me and I nodded, I could feel a bit of awkwardness as we have still never officially said bye to each other and didn’t know how to go about it.

After abit he turned to walk but then stopped and turned around. “Oh and next time please don’t answer the door like that” he smirked.

“It was just Paul, and I'm pretty sure I can handle him” I smiled and walked over to him, I rested my hands on his chest and then kissed him briefly.

“Could've been any of the other 20 superstars on this floor” he narrowed his eyes at me.

“No the only people it could be is Paige or Kane cause they…” I felt him tense and immediately regretted mentioning Kane.

“Have you and Kane ever?” he slowly asked and I was surprised at Brock being so afraid to ask a question.
“Are you serious right now?” I raised an eyebrow and by him not answering me I knew he was.

“Paul’s waiting for you , you should get going..” I really didn’t want to argue with him after the amazing morning we had and especially since Paul was outside and he would love it.

“Fine” he sighed. “So I’ll see you tonight then?”
“Im leaving soon, we’re driving down to the next town…” I carefully said.

“By we you mean Kane..”
“Brock he has always been my travelling partner why are you getting so hyped about it?” My hands left his chest and I folded them over mine.

“Because at that time I wasn’t fucking you!” he raised his voice which caused me to jump.

I was tempted to question if that’s all that this was since he didn’t say it was because I was his girlfriend but the sudden shift in his mood told me not to.

“He is my friend and Paige started travelling with us as well, I have nothing with Kane and never had Brock…”

“Now why cant you just come with me then if you have nothing with him?”

“Because its fucking inconvenient!” I blurted out and he shook his head.

“So being with me is inconvenient” he chuckled sadly  and shook his head and I hated the way he twisted my words.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it, you only work three times for the month at most so driving me to a town where you don’t even have to be in at all seems alittle unnecessa…”

“If after all this shit you still think that this is an inconvenience for me that doing all that is for fucking nothing then..” he still raised his voice as he began wavering his hand in the air.

“Then what?”

“You know what I don’t have time for this fucken shit!” he immediately walked out and I followed him.

“Oh so now you’re just going to go when for the first time I actually thought you were not going to just ignore a problem but I guess I was..” I realized that Paul was still here and he was smirking at me as he was clearly enjoying what was happening obviously Brock never noticed.

“I have a fucking meeting and I'm clearly not needed here like you said!” Paul left and Brock followed with a slam of the door leaving me standing like an idiot and I was still abit confused as to how I landed up from him having left his wife to him just leaving me pissed.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now