Chapter 13

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I woke up and immediately didn’t know where I was, I was surrounded by darkness and as I wanted to get up I felt someone pull me against them and I instantly knew it was Brock and fell back asleep not even concerned about how I landed up in bed.

I woke up again a few hours later I assumed and when I did I realized I wasn’t on the plane anymore.

I sat up and realized I was in a house, more than that, I was in Brock’s house as there were trophies everywhere in the room.

I walked out of the room still wearing Brocks shirt and realized how small and cosy the house was, I found the kitchen easily as I heard the radio.

When I walked in I saw Brock in a jockey with his back turned to me leaning over the counter with his head in his hands. I walked over to the other side so that I was facing him and he mustve heard me as he slowly removed his hands and stared at me, “You’re awake..” he whispered.

“Where are we?”  He didn’t answer instead he walked around the counter and then wrapped his arms around me.

“I like seeing you in my merch, only my merch” he whispered against my lips.


“We’re at my old house well my parents house but they’re out of town so I thought I’d bring…”

“But you’re from… Brock im supposed to be in Atlanta right now! Oh my word”
I pushed away from him.

“Im probably going to get fired for this by the time we get back I’d have missed most of the live shows and..”

“Calm down…” he walked towards me.

“ I cant fucking calm down I fucking wake up in the  middle of nowhere with you when im supposed to be at work”

He closed his eyes slowly as if calming himself down but as he opened his eyes it clearly hadn’t worked, “ Im glad to know you find my company so horrible”

“Its not that Im…” I sighed , “ I just cant afford to get into trouble right now and this is a surprise the last thing I remember is being on the plane and I wake up and its this…”

I wavered and he walked over to me and lifted me onto the counter. "I needed time with you away from all the jealousy and all that shit and as far as Stephanie knows you are still injured from the other night, I just wanted to show you around where I came from…”

He shrugged looking down at the counter avoiding me and I could tell he was confused as he probably didn’t even know why he had brought me to his hometown.

I immediately felt guilty for going off on him cause for him to bring me here meant something. I took his hands which were placed beside me and placed them around me pulling him closer to me as he looked into my eyes.

I then wrapped my arms around his neck, “Thank you for bringing me here” I kissed him gently.

He didn’t kiss me back and looked at me while holding me, “Im sorry for the position I am putting you in”


“Me being married its just.. I don’t know i..”

“You don’t have to feel like you need to explain to me” I meant it as I knew he wasn’t the sharing type.

He smirked and then pulled me even closer and the moment he leaned in and bit into my neck I knew he was done with the apology and it would be like no arguments took place or anything.

His hands clutched my thighs pulling me against him even more so that I could feel his eagerness.

“ I meant it when I said I only want you in my merch” he whispered against my lips as his hands trailed further up my thighs beneath his shirt.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now