Chapter 75

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"So why did you all of a sudden want to work out when I brought you guys here so that McKenzie could spend sometime with you after everything happened."

I sighed and sat down on the bench as he stood against the wall.

"Well I thought you would like to know what happened with the whole situation"

I looked over at him confused.

"I know what happened I beat the shit out of him and I would have most likely killed him if it weren't for my concern for McKenzie"

I shrugged as I remembered seeing red and I couldn't stop as I had seen him push her against the wall as I pulled up and heard him shouting at her.

I had never seen her so terrified and I couldn't control my actions but then I had heard her whisper my name and immediately left the fucker and scooped her into my arms as the ambulance as well as police came and I realized she was out. I didn't even know how the cops knew to be there as I certainly hadn't called them.

"Yeah and we told you that Eric was charged but.."

"But what?"

"After you left with her , before we followed , we told them what had happened... anyway there was this waitress who had apparently called the cops and she told us we should come back the next day and well after we left you guys we drove over there. She told us some things.."

"Like?" I could tell he was nervous which I found strange as after all these months believe it or not he was a friend.

He cleared his throat, "Well uhm she.."

"Kevin just spit out .."

"She knew McKenzie way before McKenzie came to the WWE as they were coming to that diner ever since she was a senior in high school . Anyway she knew about McKenzie and Eric's relationship as an incident had occurred there once before..."

I sighed and raised my eyebrow as I wanted to know what she had gone through with Eric.

"It was Seth's birthday and he had decided to hire out the diner for him and wrestlers and well that included his Kenz and Eric..." I nodded.

"Anyway basically in short McKenzie seemed unhappy and drank for most of the night but on her own as Eric flirted with the various divas . Then Dean came to talk to her and he cheered her up a bit..."

He rolled his eyes at me as I had unknowingly began to clinch my jaw at the thought of her and that Ambrose kid.

"Anyway Eric saw this and immediately clung to her and Dean disappeared . After awhile she noticed they did as well and didn't think much of it until she went to the bathroom and heard someone sobbing and in there she found McKenzie. I won't go into the gruesome details but..."

"Tell me , she told you all of this shit so I wanna know all of it as well and don't try leaving anything out"

McKenzie was mine and the last thing I wanted was to be left out of the loop of something that concerned her.

"Well she had a black eye , bruised arm and well later she discovered more bruises on her legs anyway uhm McKenzie broke down and told her that it wasn't the first time and that it had began about a month prior to that and she didn't know what to do because if she didn't have him , she wouldn't have anyone and no one would love her. But Angie, the waitress , ignored her and called Seth and Seth immediately told Angie to let everyone go home and that's what they did.
Seth and her sat with Kenzie the entire night and they had no idea where Eric had gone to but after that she said that they left Florida and the next time she heard from McKenzie they were in Chicago... She had thought that McKenzie was fine but turns out she wasn't.McKenzie felt isolated and all of a sudden she stopped making contact with her and that's when she realized McKenzie was back with Eric and had moved in with him."

"She went back to.." I ran my hand over my face as even though I knew she had been with him for a year I hadn't realized she had gone back to him after all that happened.

"Yeah uhm anyway Seth was in town and told her he didn't know what to do as she chose to be with him and he couldn't control it as he wasn't always there due to work. Then August came, luckily he was at home that night as Kenz came in and well covered in bruises and he had broken her arm.
Seth checked her into a private hospital and had to leave for work , McKenzie got discharged and the hospital was meant to have security guard the house as per agreement but they didn't and Eric found her yet again and Seth had no idea until he finally got home 3 months later and well.."

"I know the rest.. she told me the rest"

I couldn't hide the harshness in my voice it wasn't directed at Kevin but at the man who had hurt her, the fucking hospital who was stupid and Seth who left her for his job .

"WAIT how do you..."

"Paige told me before we headed over there as Kenz told her to"

I sighed and got up as I just needed to be with her but I heard him.

"That was just part of what she told us Brock ... But before I get to that.. Eric wasn't the first guy to.."


"Hurt her.. her high school boyfriend, he used to abuse her which led to her quitting cheer leading as she needed the attention off of her which also led to her parents being on her case as she had shamed their family in their eyes for dropping out of a commitment.."

"He didn't.. she would've said something to me about.."

"She didn't tell anyone, not even Seth.. Angie was like her sister there I guess and well on one occasion McKenzie had walked into the diner and her boyfriend was sitting with a bunch of the girls from her squad as they were all over him and him over them and she asked her about it and McKenzie simply shrugged and said it was his business and in the end he loved her.."

"He didn't fucking love her.." I shook my head.

"Why wouldn't she tell Seth about.."

"She was in high school Brock .. she was alone there, everyone believed she was Miss Perfect so the last thing she wanted was to eliminate the only person who showed affection for her there and telling Seth would just destroy her life she had with that guy I guess.."

"You're talking like you actually knew her" I scoffed.

"Don't shoot the messenger.. I just wanted you to know and I would gladly let Paige tell you but she was crying the entire time Angie told the story and I'm sure you wouldn't have known how to deal with the news and a woman crying"

He was right, it killed me seeing McKenzie cry but most of the time I was able to make her stop but it wasn't like I was going to hug Paige.

I actually never really hugged anyone unless it was Paul or something and that wasn't in a comforting way. McKenzie was the only one who could make a simple thing as a hug mean so much and hell she would remain the only one...

"Brock I told you it wasn't the only thing she told us regarding Eric..."

"Go on..." I sighed and sat back down.

Kevin looked hesitant, "I won't go off on you just continue"

"For the last few months Eric has been going to that diner almost everyday and he would speak to her. She said he had gotten even more insane and even more obsessed with McKenzie as he would make them turn on to the network so he could watch her but she didn't really care as McKenzie was around the world and he couldn't get her .
But then the weekend after Thanksgiving he came in there and well he was more harsh, he would speak about a new man she had who didn't deserve her and couldn't love her . He was saying things like once you left her she would be alone and then once he found her he would make sure they would be together forever so that no one could have her. Angie didn't get it then but well they found stuff on Eric that night Brock.."


"A gun with two bullets and a suicide note in his glove compartment..."

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