Chapter 84

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I was currently in the divas locker room due to Brock having yet to arrive.

After Tuesday he had been quiet for most of that day and had to fly out for business the rest of the week which pretty much left me on my own with Kevin and Paige but I didn't mind.

"Hey love, you okay?" Paige sat down in front of me as I finished up my hair.

"Yeah its my first title opportunity you know and I am a bit nervous.." I honestly was but I was also concerned about Brock.

"You'll do fine I am sure you are going to whip her ass and become the WWE DIVAS CHAMPION and then we will get to fight because I am definitely coming for it" She smiled.

"Of course you are !"

I rolled my eyes as I didn't mind as I loved wrestling her , but I first had to win tonight.

"I'll see you later, I'm heading to the cafeteria so I can watch your match!" She hugged me and I nodded.

"Good luck Kenz!" I saw Chris and smiled as I was walking to the Gorilla and my nerves were not calming down at all.

I stopped as I leaned on an equipment box to try and calm myself. I could actually just run and leave the building as the entrance was right there but that Charlotte would surely love.

"You can do this.." I whispered and jumped when I realized someone was next to me.

It was Brock and Paul who seemed to have just arrived.

"Good luck McKenzie !" Paul called as he had begun walking away to their locker I guessed.

"I thought you were coming later"

I whispered as although I was worried about him I did not need to deal with how embarrassed I was to have called him husband.

As I had spent the entire week trying to figure out if deep down I would want that in the future for us or actually if that's what he would want.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" He whispered and looked around at the workers.

"I am.. just surprised Brock" he looked at me and slowly nodded.

"You don't have to be nervous you know, I've seen most of your fights ever since we... were us.. and you'll kick some ass.. there is a reason you are the girlfriend of the Ass-kicker" he winked and I couldnt help but smile at his words.

"Thank you.."  I ran my fingers over the zipper of his track jacket and he stared at it.

"I missed you.." I sighed and he slowly looked into my eyes but didn't say anything , instead he simply leaned forward and held my head and placed a kiss on my forehead.


"Go get your title" he whispered and moved back so I could pass.

The match had been going both ways for the past ten minutes. At the moment it was going my way as I had her on her knees and pulled her up by her hair and smacked her across the cheek.

As she fell I tried to pin her but she kicked out at one and gave me an elbow across the face which caused me to fall back and she immediately scrambled around and I felt her hook me into the FIGURE 8 as her dad cheered on.

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Where stories live. Discover now