Chapter 29

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I wrapped my arms around his waist tightly, pulling him closer to me and I felt him relax and his breathing ease.

After what seemed like forever I leaned my head back and he looked down at me as if trying to figure out something as he did that thing with his lips when he was deep in thought which I loved.

I leaned up and took his bottom lip in between my teeth and he raised his eyebrow as I broke him from his thoughts.

I ignored him and kissed him gently but with Brock gentle didn't last long especially with the mood he was in when I found him. As the kiss deepened I could feel all his anger, all his concern slipping into my lips as I felt the flashes slip away and he was the only thing that mattered.

I couldn't believe I felt this way over a man I hadn't even known about six months ago. I held onto his waist as I felt him push his pelvis against me pinning me against the door.

One of his hands held my neck while the other lifted my leg up as he pushed up against me.

He broke the kiss, "You okay baby?" he whispered into my lips.

"Yeah you?" I whispered as I bit into his neck.

"I just need to fuck you!" he groaned into mine and I felt him move and walk us to the bedroom which thankfully wasn't destroyed.

In that moment I finally realized what Paige had meant when she said he wasn't intentionally using me as I wanted him to make me feel better the same way he had wanted me to after a crappy match. Perhaps it couldn't be compared but I didn't know how else to think of it. I wasn't even sure why I felt like being with him this way was my only cure.

He slipped off my sports bra and bit and sucked on my skin as he trailed down and gripped the waistband of my tights and pulled it off quickly.

His eyes widened as he looked at my thighs and I was confused until I remembered why I chose tights instead of my gym shorts.

"Did I do this?" he asked as he sat between my legs in his jockey. He took in the marks his fingers had left as well as the scratches thanks to the night before.

"Yeah don't worry about it!" I breath out and pulled him to me, he looked down at it again and when he looked up again he smirked and leaned down and kissed me hard as he pushed into me hard as well.

He moved fast and roughly as his elbow was beside my head while his other gripped my breast. I held onto his waist and pulled him deeper into me as I wrapped my legs around it as well.

His grunts grew louder and I pushed my body forcefully up against his which caused him to bite my tongue but I didn't care and moaned into his lips.

"Say it!" he grunted into my ear as I held onto him tightly, as he clawed and gripped every inch of my body that he could and he moved even faster than I thought was possible.

"IM YOOOOOOURS!!!" I screamed and I knew I honestly was his. He muffled my screams by forcing his tongue into my mouth as he pushed into me hard one more time and I lost it.

He positioned his elbows above my head so that his weight wasn't on me not that I even noticed. "Are you still unsatisfied?" I heard him as he referred to my teasing that morning and as I opened my eyes I saw him smirking and I rolled my eyes.

I lifted my head, kissed him and then let my head fall back again, "Shower?" him lifting me up into his arms answered my question.

"I don't think I like you answering the door in that" I teased as he returned to the room with a towel around his waist and with two boxes of pizza for dinner as our shower lasted longer than expected.

"I hadn't even realized , that must be why that bitch tried to give me her number" he shrugged and I raised my eyebrow, "Kidding baby! It was some guy" he opened both boxes and sat on the bed.

"Arent you going to..." I gestured to his towel still around his waist.

"There's no point , especially with you only wearing my fucking t-shirt which I'll be ripping off soon" he winked and I could feel my tummy flutter as I shook my head.

"About this morning..." he began as he finished his first slice, "I know what I said was..."

"Wasn't a surprise.." I shrugged and he seem shocked, "I mean I get that you have to maintain the Beast image and it was easy maintaining it when your wife was at home out of sight but I'm here still part of the business and I'm new as well so all eyes are on me.You don't like it. The fact that they'd make a big deal out of... this"

"Yeah I thought you were..."

"I get that you don't wanna be seen with me Brock" I didn't say it in a sad way or anything .

"I just don't see the point in anyone in our business , its between me and you whatever shit goes down between us" he said seriously and I glanced up and nodded.

"So you're okay?" He asked as he ate again.

"Can I ask you one thing? Don't blow off or anything its just been gnawing at me" he nodded.

"Am I a rebound?"

"What?" he asked loudly and I sighed.

"You met me while you and your now ex-wife were separated and I just threw myself at you and..."

"Summer threw herself at me and did I fuck her? NO! Because I don't fucking want her or any of the bitches in the WWE .I saw you and I wanted you, not because I hadn't fucked anyone in forever, not cause I wanted to use you but because I wanted YOU to be mine" he said slowly and seriously even though it wasn't exactly said in the best way I got what he said and I smiled and kissed him briefly.

He pulled me back and kissed me again, then released me.

"You didn't really enjoy last night did you?" I heard Brock whisper and I leaned my head on his chest to look up at him. I glanced over at his shredded t-shirt on the other side of the room and I smiled. "Which part?"

"Dinner at the restaurant." he asked, "I saw the white dress on your luggage is it new?"

" I bought it for dinner , but decided against it..."

"I should've taken you somewhere else, but the meeting just ended and I didn't feel like driving so I figured I would just call you down..." he shrugged and I could see he felt extremely bad about it.

"Somewhere else? When no one is supposed to know about us?" I trailed fingers up and down his chest tattoo.

"What I meant by that was if people ask then we don't have to tell them shit. I'm not gonna keep you isolated as much as I would love that... but I'm not going to announce to the world we're together either cause I don't need the world to know as long as you know you're mine. Am I even making sense?"

I nodded as I got what he was saying that if people got the idea we were dating they could assume that or if they simply thought we were friends it didn't matter because we knew what we were and nobody else needed to have that privilege.

"The dinner wasn't that bad I just think both of us were nervous as we've never done something like that. Hell ! That was the first time we ate together so it was fine for a first.... Dinner" I smiled to make him feel better and I meant what I said and he chuckled.

"Fuck, my meetings here are done so I guess I can have you flown home tomorrow ..." he sighed and I realized how sad I felt about leaving him.

"Why don't you come with me?" I blurted out.

"Really?" he raised his eyebrow and I nodded.

"Unless you have to...."

"NO fuck I have nothing, I'm coming with you baby!"

Beast Mode // Brock Lesnar *COMPLETE *Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora